Trust Betrayed Is Trust Lost

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the mrna covid vaccine has the exact same effect at stopping the spread of covid, as a severed chicken leg, waved over my head, while the medicine man dances and chants… but the chicken leg has far less adverse reactions. You know… like sudden death. I strongly believe that by the end of 2023, most people, even the most beguiled, will realize what the medical system has done. Not only in its response to covid, but by creating covid in the first place. That realization will not come without cost, to society, human health and especially the medical system itself. The system will have lost credibility, good faith and even their basic standing. Which is a terrible thing, because not everything the medical system does is bad, but once the covid cat escapes the bag, people will be livid.

You have to ask yourself why would the medical system so discredit itself? The results of their lies are becoming ever less deniable. As the sudden deaths mount from the “vaccine,” the medical elites are closing the wagons, guns aimed out and shouting, “There is nothing to see here!” With the constant parade of conspiracy theories, that are being proved true by the day, like, masks had zero effect on slowing the transmission of covid, the Vaccine is neither safe nor effective, and now we hear that the government has known all along that covid came from the Wuhan lab. All conspiracy theories that would get one banned from social media should one have the audacity to say them… only a few months ago. The censorship and intolerance made people believe lies… and took lives.

The practice of medicine is based on trust. How likely is it someone will undergo a dangerous painful procedure, for someone they do not trust, has a dubious outcome and will probably harm them in the long run? Even the most amiable person would balk. I personally have zero trust in doctors now. Especially those who still push the lies. Sadly, they are almost all mesmerized by the glitter of the WHO, NIH and CDC. No matter how many lies those agencies put out, the medical experts will believe them all. Because not to believe would make them a conspiracy nut! Ivermectin even today is banned across the US. Don’t believe it? Ask your doctor if he or she would prescribe Ivermectin for Covid? Their posture will tell you all you need to know. They are terrified of the establishment.

The first order of all physicians was, do no harm, but that has been thrown under the bus of politics… run down, then backed over. The heart defects, still births and sudden adult deaths are testament to the medical establishments wholesale abandonment of the ideal, do no harm. Harm is where the money is. A cure for cancer would cost the medical establishment billions of dollars a year, a cure for the common cold might cost tens of billions a year, and a cure for type I diabetes would bankrupt entire sectors of the economy. Clearly, economic factors alone are sufficient to make the adage, do no harm, as antiquated as it is unprofitable. In the face of so much money, only someone truly committed to human health, would stick to such a drag on wealth, as, do no harm!

The practice of medicine has utterly discredited itself, ruined decades of trust and intentionally does harm to the patients. It may not recover its reputation in our lifetimes. Because, the greater the deception, the angrier the betrayed. With every lie, secret and manipulation exposed, the medical establishment looses credibility. I bet most doctors feel the change in temperature, as people become colder to their doctors, making the practice of medicine more difficult. Especially since the doctor’s job is now to write reports instead of see patients. How far medicine has fallen. Back in the day, a doctor would come to your house, birth a baby, set a leg, or sew an ear back on, for a buck and a half. No money in that! The real money is in creating chimeric viruses in a lab… ask Fauci, Moderna and Pfizer.


John Pepin

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