Trump’s Space Force

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, Trump’s Space Force initiative has the potential to be genius, or the deep state could kill it. Opening space in such a way will have many effects, on our economy, our global situation, energy production, technology and humanity’s survival. Only Russia, China and the US will be in the space league, but very soon others will join, Japan probably, but not any EU nation or the EU as a whole. For the EU to compete would require a paradigm shift in their policies and governments. (Which may happen given recent election results). Even the scourge of drugs might be alleviated, by hope, hope for a brighter future such a program will breed in our youth. Those who seek the best for all of humanity will, or should support it, while those who seek one world government will despise it.

This space force initiative takes the focus off nuclear weapons, religious wars and simmering genocide and changes it to space. Like the cold war superseded local conflicts and national governments, a new space race will supersede other conflicts, short circuiting them. The “great powers” will turn from coveting cultivated land to uncultivated land. Much of the world’s violence is fueled by the attention it gets. Local violence wouldn’t get the eye balls it used to, nor the funding that attention pulls in, the world media would have a much bigger story to cover. Only those nations with a viable space program would have international standing. Military budgets therefore, would put less emphasis on build nuclear bombs and more on space ships… making us all safer.

Like the Moon shot before, such an initiative will give funding to basic science and technological advancement, and also like the Moon shot, will lead to economic opportunities and advancement of our standard of living. Of all the things government spends money on, only basic science and the space program have yielded tangible economic benefit, and therefore, were investments rather than squandering money. Basic science is crucial but expensive, and results in little immediate economic return, so companies will not do it in favor of more profitable enterprises, but the long term economic gain is incalculable. The integrated circuit chip is one advancement that we received largely from the Space program. Imagine how different our world would be today without them?

Fusion energy may be less than a decade away or it might be technologically unworkable, nevertheless, other perhaps more exotic means of generating energy will need to be devised. There is no air in space to burn fossil fuels, so that avenue is out, even on Mars. Solar or nuclear are the only alternatives today, but “necessity is the mother of invention,” so as the demand increases so too will the technology to meet that demand. Those technological advancements in producing energy will have direct applications here on Earth. While all my friends know, I am the antithesis of an environmentalist Marxist, such technologies will result in cleaner energy production here, making the planet cleaner as well. Moreover, cheaper, cleaner energy will further drive up the standard of living of the entire human race.

Given that the market system has the uncanny ability, not only to meet needs but to create new ones, is a strong indicator that these advancements will happen. There is however a powerful force that stands against such advancement. Globalists shudder at the thought of anyone getting off planet and out of their grip. They seek to make us ants, while a thriving space industry, growing in the loam of liassez faire will make us more individualistic. They control the media, academia, the bureaucracy, judiciary and congress as well as the entire structure of the EU. Peace, liberty and prosperity are diametrically opposed to their interests. Because war and want lead to autocracy, and it is world dictatorship they seek. So it may be genius or it may be for naught… depends if we, or the globalists win.


John Pepin

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