
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, this transgender thing will be remembered in the future as eugenics is today, notwithstanding it is a form of eugenics. Convincing children to change their sex is convincing a child to sterilize themselves. It is a form of forced sterilization because what child is competent to make such a life changing decision? If the argument is that a child of eight is capable of deciding to change their sex, they should also be able to drink in a bar, vote in elections, fight in war, adopt children, etc… Anyone who takes the position, that a child is too immature to decide whether or not to drink a gin and tonic or smoke a cigarette, yet the same child is sufficiently mature to decide to sterilize themselves… to become a sexual plaything of a pervert, that person is in fact manipulating children into self harm.

History remembers the progressive movement as the founders of eugenics. Many of the present heroes of the modern progressive movement were eugenicists, and strongly favored the forced sterilization of people, based on racist, bigoted and “compassionate” grounds. The same movement, after it was discredited in the US and in turn had discredited the progressive faction, for nearly a century, was taken up by the Nazis. Yet today, when confronted by the eugenics of their predecessors, a modern progressive will argue, the movement has changed. So, if that argument is valid… would a Nazi get the same use of it? Could a Nazi say, we have given up our racism and have progressed. Would Nazism become acceptable then? Of course not! Evil is evil. Evil doesn’t change… it mutates.

History will remember the transgender movement, pushed on children by progressives, exactly the same or perhaps worse than the progressive eugenics movement. This is because children are being tricked, manipulated into self harm, in an act worthy of Lucifer himself… or a psychopath. Even as the media that calls itself unbiased covers up the atrocities of their progressive heroes, future 5th columnists will feel the need to apologize for today’s transgender atrocity, as well as abortion. Yet the reality of the evil progressives are doing is lost on many people today. Tomorrow will be quite different however. Without the incessant propaganda and with a little perspective, the malevolence we are foisting on our youth will be recognized, for the crime against humanity it is.

Those who really believe they were born into the wrong body have a mental illness. Mental illness is not treated by surgery, it is treated by compassion, therapy, drugs and patience. The proof is in the pudding, because studies show that people who “transition,” commit suicide at astounding rates. Far exceeding that of the general population at large and even other at risk groups. Obviously, post modernists care nothing for facts like these, so they are offered for people who still believe in objective truth. Objectively then, treating people with that form of body dismorphic disorder with surgery is a form of abuse. Subjectively though, creating artificial boys and girls, who’s sexual function has been perverted from procreation, to a sex toy, is a good thing, for the people who will use and abuse them.

The way to keep such evils from happening in the first place, is to stay connected to reality, and never lie to oneself. These evil notions like eugenics, abortion and transgenderism, are all based on lies. Moreover, they reject the Golden Rule, in that no one who is abusing on another, would want that done to him or her! The same goes for being manipulated into any form of self harm. By every measure, the golden rule, compassion, truth, patience, love and caring… this transgender fad is evil, and will end in human suffering on a magnificent scale. For such evil to become so powerful, it took many good people to remain silent. We have been silenced by fear, fear of being called a racist, bigot, intolerant, etc… by people who are all of those things, but far worse. We allowed it, we must stop it. Speak up!


John Pepin

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