To Whom Much Is Given…

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the old saying, “To whom much is given, everything will be given, and to whom little is given, everything will be taken away,” is proved every day. There is a host of reasons for this, not the least of which is… government cannot help those with connections enough, the double standard, government policies that destroy the family, etc… There are many policies that hold those born of low station down, many of which are supposed to help them up, which shows either incompetence, or conniving, by those who came up with and implemented them. Nonetheless, I think we can all agree, taking from those with little to start, is neither just, human hearted, nor is it in the best interests of humanity. Perhaps then we could change that paradigm for the better?

Would it make more sense to hold someone who is mentally retarded to the same standard as a genius? Well, isn’t that exactly how government, society and the culture work, they hold the socially retarded to a much higher standard than the social genius. Just as the State will punish the poor with draconian punishments for minor infractions. They will turn a blind eye to economy endangering open criminality by the elite. A poor kid will go to jail for stealing a bunch of flashlights from a hardware store, while Hillary escaped consequences for destroying subpoenaed evidence, Holder perjured himself before congress, Corzine stole money out of his clients accounts while Goldman, Deutsche bank, JP Morgan, and Wells Fargo have paid billions in fines… and not one person is in jail, for any of those crimes.

There is an old adage, take away the money from a millionaire and he will have it back again in a year. This is because of connections. Those with connections have their paths paved before them, while those of us without connections, have the way plowed up before us. Warren Buffett for example, he made quite a lot of money in the markets, slow but sure. Once he developed connections, that is when the millionaire became a billionaire. Buying a train everyone said would continue to lose money. Buffett went on television and loudly proclaimed… his secretary paid a higher tax rate than he did! Obama used the outrage to justify raising taxes… on Buffett’s secretary! In payback, Obama granted Buffett’s train a monopoly in carrying oil from Canada to Texas refineries… poof, instant billionaire.

Everyone knows the absence of fathers from the home has resulted in an increase in drug use, crime, incarceration rates, overdose deaths, generational poverty and homelessness. The very things the progressives claim to want to end. But if they did end those scourges, there would be no need of the progressives… so these problems will never end, because they cannot. Progressive policies, claimed to be put in place to help single mothers, encourage… more women to become single mothers, single mothers to have more babies out of wedlock, create an incentive for married women to divorce, and reduces the role of father, from husband and educator, to bread winner only. The rapid rise in single parent homes since the 1960’s, is proof enough of the results, if only suggesting intent.

We could change the paradigm for the better, but to do so we must think before we act. Because while the heart is a good guide it is often a poor judge. The way to changing the paradigm then, is to stop delegitimising and outright vilifying fathers, restore the role and esteem of the nuclear family, hold the elite to a HIGHER standard than the poor, lessen the role and scope of government so the connected will not be able to leverage their connections into riches… these are ideas that would go a long way towards making obsolete that old saying, “…everyone who has, more will be given, but as for the one who has nothing, even what they have will be taken away.” Clearly, the elite want a society where class mobility is tamped down as much as possible… do you?


John Pepin

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