The Wisdom Of The Second Amendment

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a state like Texas, Tennessee, or Maine, is invulnerable to invasion by any foreign power. These places would become meat grinders for an invading army. Not only are guns prolific in these states but their safe, effective and judicious use is widespread. As is a huge depository of ammunition held in the hands of the people. Militias, consisting of battle hardened former military, avid deer hunters and weekend gun sports enthusiasts… would form instantly. Guns are so ubiquitous in many US states, that even once an area was “cleared,” insurgents would turn up well armed and trained the next day. The only hope of truly subjugating these states, is by having an “American army” lead the invaders, giving them enough of a sense of legitimacy, many people would stand down.

No nation that has a well established shooting culture can be successfully invaded, unless the population is first exterminated with Neutron bombs, poison gas or race specific biological warfare. All of which are (or should be in the case of neutron bombs) illegal under international treaty. In the State of Maine for example, somewhere around 200,000 people deer hunt… with a high powered rifle. That constitutes a large army by any standard. When you consider that over 9,000,000 people hunt in the US, hunters alone rival the largest standing armies that have ever existed… and doesn’t count those who don’t hunt but simply shoot skeet, targets or plunk. Then there is the standing army to provide air cover, indirect fire support and close combat support, and the US is uninvadable.

Other nations have the same ability… if their leadership is not made up of psychopaths grasping for power. Making guns legal only takes the stroke of a pen. Fostering a hunting and shooting culture is pretty easy after that. The more widespread the use of guns, the more difficult it would be to invade, until invasion is off the table. In a generation, any nation that adopts the widespread safe, effective and judicious use of firearms, would become invulnerable to invasion. With the above mentioned caveats. This applies even to small nations, because if there is a “gun behind every blade of grass,” no matter how few blades of grass, even a small country becomes a meat grinder for invaders. Think of it this way, a thug doesn’t pick out the Kung Fu expert, he targets the weakling.

Of course, that invulnerability comes at a cost to the elite, they are limited in the usurpations, oppression and outright anti constitutional actions they can take. This irks the elite more then you can imagine. Some old dead dudes are still hindering them with their out dated notions as… the will of the people, limited government, and free enterprise, among others. The elite have understood for many decades, that they need to get guns out of the hands of the people, in order to implement their plans for us. Plans that would inevitably result in some malcontents violently resisting oppression, enslavement or extermination. To that end, making the US vulnerable, is the price the elite are willing for us to pay. Not only the US, every nation that outlaws guns… has made that Faustian bargain.

The elite have been brainwashed into loathing themselves, their nation and the Western ethos, making them a foreign enemy’s best friend. Which is why they are so adamant we give up our guns, and rely on the Military Industrial Complex, and their quislings in the CIA and FBI to protect us. Many elite today gleefully side against our Constitution, to create an administrative corporatist global government. That participation would give an invasion an air of legitimacy that would get some to stand down. In the end… any elite who would trade the nation’s invulnerability for more power over the people, forfeits their authority, since the role of government is to protect the nation, not make it vulnerable to invasion. If you think of it though, making the nation vulnerable to invasion, is the very definition of a traitor…


John Pepin

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