The US As The World’s Policeman

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we should ask ourselves, is it in humanity’s best interests… for the US to remain the world’s policeman? The future of mankind turns on this question. A strong argument can be made for both sides. On the one, if the US step’s back, it could leave a vacuum that might be filled with some malevolent actor. On the other, having the US as the world’s policeman, creates animosity between the world population and the US, allows a crazy President with outsized political favor to break the world, creates un-payable US government debt, allows corruption to be hidden under the cover of national security and protects bad actors if they play along. Moreover, there are immense amounts of corrupting money involved, as well as rivers of innocent blood, so, let’s examine this issue.

If the US steps back and closes it’s bases worldwide, except those that are legitimately for self protection, ie, those in our immediate neighborhood, many argue that Russia, China and other despots will step in to fill the void. The UN is so corrupt it would be no obstacle to any psychopath who grasps for power. In fact, if that would be despot pays a sufficient bribe, the UN will back him or her all the way! The US is also a stabilizing factor in international affairs. Take the US out of the equation, and many wars might pop up around the world, that are smothered today by US hegemony. Heck, if the US backed out of being it’s policeman, it’s possible the world could immediately devolve into total anarchy and war… but I doubt it.

Yet… trillions of dollars could be saved for the US taxpayer, the standing army need not be so large, there wouldn’t be US soldiers suffering and dying on some foreign battlefield, for land that will be given back to the people he died taking it from a month after his death, our service people wouldn’t be guarding poppy fields, even as tens of thousands die of opioid overdoses back home, the US wouldn’t be both envied and hated the world over, the vast national security apparatus would not need to exist, whole departments of the US government would become redundant saving further money, etc… But more importantly, the US pulling out as the world’s policeman, would force the world to grow up, because nothing keeps someone a child more effectively… than abetting it.

Back to those trillions of dollars. That money corrupts the governments of nations we have bases in, funds the military industrial complex that employs thousands in good paying jobs, lobbyists to maintain a perpetual state of war, bureaucrats, politicians, lawyers, despots and black projects like MK Ultra. It permeates our government like a fungus does the soil in a forest. Remove it and the whole ecosystem dies. In this case, the corrupt extra constitutional government monstrosity that feeds off the tears of mothers and fathers for the loss of their children. The way a Vampire feeds on blood, or a wraith feeds from life essence… peas from the same pod. The political power that will be arrayed against the US stepping back from world policeman, because of that money, is nearly insurmountable.

There would be chaos in the wake of any such action by the US. One factor must be top most in our minds though… that is, eventually, the US will run out of money and no longer be able to be the world’s policeman. When that happens, the shock will pass through the world like the concussion wave from a nuke. If it is done rationally and with forewarning the outcome will certainly be better. Most of the arguments against the it are short term issues, while the arguments for it are both short and long term goods. If the US stops being the world’s policeman, there will be consequences, some good, some bad… but in the long run, what will yield the best results for humanity? That is where the answer lie. What do you think? Should we stay or should we go?


John Pepin

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