The Too Big To Punish

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, some people are just too big to punish. Like the too big to fail banks, they are systemically protected, because their fall could effect the fortunes of other powerful people. Now, clearly, the elite don’t want us dwelling on this fact… so they usually keep such things under the radar. So we can continue with our willful blindness. Recently however, our noses have been rubbed in that smelly fact, so much so it is getting hard to maintain the fantasy that law is applied equally. This illusion is of paramount importance. If the hoi polloi woke up to the fact law is not applied equally, we will have to take the next logical step, and realize Law is therefore only a means to oppress, not protect order. From there, every form of mischief becomes possible.

Hillary Clinton is the obvious first example of someone who is too big to prosecute. Her crimes are numerous and storied. From destroying evidence under subpoena to mishandling classified documents, she has got away with crimes that would get you or I buried under a supermax for. Barak Obama, being the first African American President, is also too big to punish. Imagine if Trump used executive privilege to silence an investigation, like Obama did to cover up Fast and Furious? Jailed a filmmaker to cover up a terrorist attack? What if Trump put malware on reporters computers to monitor them? George Soros, as has been made clear in the Ukrainian scandal, is also too big to hold to account. The tentacles of his Open Society non governmental organization are everywhere.

Recently James Comey was identified as having broken the law by Inspector Horowitz in his report. The Attorney General declined to prosecute Comey, former head of the FBI, because to do that would be “vindictive.” Now, it wasn’t vindictive to sentence Roger Stone to 50 years in prison for “lying” to Congress in a debunked hoax, in a set up… but it would be to charge a man who exploited his position of authority and trust for political purposes. That shows a level of absurdity that someone with an intelligence quotient of 75 could see through. How can it be vindictive to punish someone for abusing their office… but not for giving life to someone who was the victim of that abuse!!!! Unless, Comey’s being held to account would harm other powerful people, making him too big to punish.

The other day Horowitz’s office leaked information, a low level lawyer for the FBI altered documents, to make the case to the FISA court to spy on Carter Page more powerful. The leak also went on to say that it didn’t materially effect the FISA finding. Anyone who believes that probably has purchased the Tappan Zee Bridge a few times. It does appear we have found the janitor who was the mastermind behind the Russian collusion hoax, and I am sure he will be severely punished. Of course, Brenen, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, Ohr, and the rest, will live on Gilligan’s island. Free from prosecution because, after all, they are too big to punish. Unlike a lowly functionary who can be made to take the rap for them. There is no limit to the lengths the elite will go to protect the too big to punish.

With the Epstein murder, covered up as an unlikely suicide, and the dropping of all investigations into the elites in his black book of pedophiles, it is undeniable that some are too big to punish. Why else finagle an impossible suicide, with such absurd failures leading to it, that it amounts to a message. That message is to keep quiet else we will get you… anywhere. Further proving that if the too big to punish are threatened, there is no limit to how far they will go, to silence and intimidate witnesses. Now that we know there are people who are too big to punish, what are we going to do about it? If Trump is Impeached and actually thrown out of office, will people revolt? Maybe, but a better solution would be to flood Congress and the Senate with letters demanding accountability for the too big to punish!


John Pepin

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