The Tic Toc Law

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the Tic Toc law is the best example of Hegelian manipulation that can be found. The elite are desperate to censor us. Because social media has turned out to be nuclear and radioactive. Nuclear in it’s unparalleled ability to manipulate the masses, and radioactive, in the way it allows the masses to bypass main stream media gatekeepers. So the elite did what they do, vilify and scare us about the evil Tic Toc, and the way the CCP is insidiously using it, to manipulate our kids into self harm. When that’s the role of our elites. For a few years the elite beat the drum of fear. We have to do something! Think of the kids! Now, they’ve passed an unconstitutional law, that allows the government to camel’s nose itself into the tent of business. History shows what ensues.

If a victim of the elite’s oppression in Peoria Iowa, can tell the world of his or her plight, the victim may get attention. That’s unacceptable! The astounding election fraud that put his Fraudulency II in power, was covered up by the courts and media, it was only O’Keeffe Media Group (OMG) and others that exposed it. The Jan 6 false flag to vilify those seeking election integrity, would have gone off without a hitch, except for those meddling kids, and their questions about the pipe bombs, lack of transparency and omission of security. We would still think the Biden lap top is Russian lies. The debacle in Afghanistan would have been covered up had the media still controlled the airspace. But it doesn’t. At every turn the elite’s machinations are exposed by us little people on social media.

Facebook does yeoman’s work in censoring the masses, but with Twitter now X providing a way around the censors, it’s become an existential threat to the elite. The wrathful elite can’t move directly against X, OMG or Revolver News, like Assange, so they have to be conniving about it. By creating a boogy man, and acting against it, they create the precedent to go after any company that defies their censorship. If the law passes Constitutional muster in the courts, and you know it will, against a defendant with so much anti political favor, it won’t be applied to foreign companies that manipulate our kids to self harm… it’ll be used against X, OMG and Revolver News. History is unambiguous on this, as the Section 230 decency act was used to silence conservatives, and allow child porn.

The strategy is simple as it is elegant. Find a politically disfavored entity, pile slander on them in the mockingbird media, and use the anger, fear and hate, to open the door to anti constitutional “solutions,” the elite wanted all along. In the case of 911 the elite, if they didn’t have a hand in it, almost certainly allowed it. Since most of the hijackers were on the CIA watchlist. Then they used the anger, outrage and confusion, to pass the Homeland security law. Consolidating national security under one corrupt roof. While stripping the American citizen of our Constitutional Rights. Since the focus was on the politically disfavored Islamist faction, the courts allowed it and the American people endorsed it. Then the law was used against “rural rage” Americans, not Islamists. And still is to today.

Congress has passed another unconstitutional bill, the anti American president will sign, and our anti constitutional courts will allow. Then the law will be used against conservatives to silence us. If you think for a second that’s not true… I have an invisible bridge to sell you, just name the river. Our elites, who promote our kids taking fentanyl, abet their murder at the hands of illegal aliens with their open borders policy, and force our kids to look into cutting off their private parts… don’t care about our kids. The elite use kids as a tool to manipulate us. The real outrage is the fentanyl deaths, illegal alien crime, and trans infectious mental illness. Making the Tic Toc legislation an ideal example of Hegelian manipulation. You might want to speak up before it’s too late.


John Pepin

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