The Swindle Of The Great Reset

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it’s apparent the elite are stealing our wealth, which is panicking Boomers into trying to protect what we have worked our entire lives for. How do I know this? The recent stock market, precious metals and crypto market’s spasms, strongly suggest investor unease. Examining the actions of the government, Federal Reserve and media helps us recognize the intent of the elite. Heck, the uber elite are even talking out in the open about the Great Reset, where we will own nothing and be happy. To me, if we own nothing, then the oligarchy or tyrant owns everything. Solving the problem of our freedom, self sufficiency and agency in one swindle. I wonder if they will succeed… or get their just desserts? I pray they get their well deserved comeuppance, before they start another war.

The markets have been swinging from negative to positive in an almost daily occurrence lately. Not just one market but all of them at the same time. Which suggests to me that the smart money is cycling out at the top while the dumb money buys up the slack in the dips. So when the floor does collapse, the elite will have divested themselves of the now worthless capital they rode to the top, the rest of us will be the bag holders, again. Otherwise, why would so many people cycle into cash, when inflation (7.4% CPI yoy) is at historic levels? Making the return right now in a bank, bond or even a semi risky stock investment, yielding negative interest. Which again suggests the smart money is using the daily spasms to move their money from dangerous assets, to safe ones… not necessarily cash.

The elite have been printing and spending money to the tune of trillions, driving up inflation, taxes and down our standard of living. Just as a reminder, a billion dollars would make one thousand people millionaires. The Fed is printing one and a half trillion a week. That is enough to make a million and a half people, millionaires… a week. How many weeks before they have printed enough money to make us all millionaires, and instead… given it to the wealthiest people on the planet? Anyone who has been around a farm knows, there is no filling a hog, they are insatiable, so there is no sense trying. Nevertheless, the Fed is trying to fill hogs at a trough, with our money. Taken by taxes, inflation and seigniorage. The hogs we are talking about, the global elite today… epitomize Orwell’s pigs.

Klaus (the varmint) Schwab, claims the elite are going to create a great reset in the world’s economy. Which will transfer the last of our sovereignty, agency and wealth to the global elite. They are so confident because they have the bureaucracy (the real government), most of the elected officials, the media, the experts and establishment in their pocket. Using the Chinese Communist Party as their model, (the CCP is corporatist, not Maoist or Marxist) they are full speed ahead with their global usurpation. One thing the elite have failed to consider, is the old Machiavellian warning to a prince… that he may kill a man and call it just, but if a prince takes the rightful inheritance from the man’s son, he will have earned a deadly enemy. Moreover, an enemy with nothing to lose, is dangerous indeed.

If you think of it, the end game is pretty obvious, global administrative corporatist government… by experts. The experts all believe this will be a good thing. They are, after all… experts. Who would know better? The people perhaps? So far, history has shown us that government by the experts has always failed, and failed miserably. Famine, civil conflict and gulags always accompany any attempt at utopian government. Gulags, like the covid camps in Australia, Canada and elsewhere, already exist. The censorship is the same as before, as is the persecution of anyone with an opposing view, and guns are in the cross hairs. Maybe this time it will be different. More likely, it will be the same… just on a bigger scale. Instead of tens of millions murdered, this time it will be billions, dead. Now that is progress!


John Pepin

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