The Stupidity of the Billionaire Class

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, billionaires promoting progressivism, are like Jews voting for Hitler. The cautionary tale of Jack Ma is lost on them. They, in their stupidity, think they can have a CCP style government to be safe from the hoi polloi. competition and reality. Well, in one sense they are correct, they will be protected from us, competition and strikes, but they will be subject to arbitrary detention, total surveillance and the death penalty… as is the case in their ideal governmental system, The Chinese Communist Party. They believe their utopia, corporatocracy, will usher in a new age of feudal supremacy. Where they are forever the lords and we are the serfs. The fools should beware however, when giving a scorpion a ride, that scorpion is still a scorpion, and they are a mere frog.

Like all swindles, the swindler uses the mark’s own greed against him. The mark is manipulated into giving something of great value, for something worthless, or even of negative value. In this case, the billionaire class is trading something of incalculable value, (liberty itself) for Hell on Earth. Now, I can’t say I feel sorry for the half witted billionaire class, I do feel sorry for the rest of us, who are being taken along for a ride. Another thing scammers use against their marks, is the mark’s own arrogance… and no one is more arrogant than the billionaire class. Their egos are the size of a planet. Retards who think themselves the smartest people in the room are the easiest to swindle. Greedy, psychopathic and arrogant… the ideal mark. “A fool and his money (or liberty) are soon parted.”

One thing all this shows, is that you don’t have to be smart, wise or far sighted to be a billionaire, just immoral and lucky. If we reset the game, like monopoly, they probably would end up on the streets in a luxurious cardboard refrigerator box. Other than Elon Musk, who is clearly a genius, cut from the same cloth as Ford, Watson and Porsche. In his case, no matter how many times the game is reset, he would win. Gates, on the other hand, barring another lightning strike of good fortune in being in the right place at the right time, would end up the homeless. Bezos would be unable to compete with Barnes and Noble. Jack Dorsey is another arrogant half witted twit, who will not only drive off a cliff, but take us along with him. Google couldn’t have got off the ground without the CIA’s backing.

I am sure there were Jews who voted for heir Hitler. They thought, he didn’t really mean what he said, it was for the consumption of the masses. Instead they imagined he would usher in an age of socialistic prosperity for Germany. Powered by corporatocracy. The Nazi economic system is the one the progressives today are trying to emulate. The lessons of the past be damned. The Chinese Communist system is indeed a copy of the German socialist corporatocracy. Obviously those at the head of corporations believe a corporatocracy, like in Nazi Germany or CCP, is the best system of government. Like any Mark, they only see the prize, not the cheat. They deceive, lie and steal for their version of Hitler and when he turns on them, like a scorpion a frog, they will be utterly shocked.

Fools with unlimited power are always a threat. Many great civilizations have been flattened by such arrogant idiots. Like all swindles, the hook is obvious if you look, but arrogant people don’t look, they think themselves too smart. In that way they deceive themselves. The example of Jack Ma is lost on them. They think themselves like Rommel, favorites of heir Hitler, and so above the tyranny they foist on the rest of us. Like Hanfstaengl, (Putzi) however, they will eventually end up fleeing, or in a labor camp, else dead. They never read or understood the fable of the frog and the scorpion. Believing the scorpion would never sting them. Yet they don’t consider, stinging their friends is the nature of a scorpion… even a scorpion they are giving a ride to the promised land, totalitarianism.


John Pepin

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