Conservative Civil Disobedience

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we who seek to preserve the US Constitutional republic, must learn from Henry David Thoreau… and engage in civil disobedience. We have been the subject of civil disobedience. That is what the “shut downs” are all about. They are the aristocracy making war against the working man. The elite are silencing us, disenfranchising us, vilifying us, denying our ability to earn a living, burning our businesses, lying to us, using slogans and symbols against us. They even engage in open warfare against our interests on our streets. The average American is under assault from every direction. When a people are denied a voice, vote and living, there are two alternatives, violent upheaval and civil disobedience, they want violence… I suggest peaceful civil disobedience instead.

Some ways we can object… is by boycotting all progressive owned and run businesses, selling all our stock in such corporations, our cars “breaking down” at the entrance of progressive run corporations during rush hour, inundating their executives with opinion letters, engaging in symbolic acts of destruction of their products, picketing them, make them the butt of our jokes, create memes about them, send them our symbols, sign up for their newsletters and label them “junk,” taunt them in letters to the editor, ridicule the executives personally, hold candle light vigils outside their homes, socially boycott them, ostracize them, boycott their suppliers, boycott their advertisers and pull all our money from the too big to fail banks. These are a few ways we can fight the corporatocracy.

To fight our political overlords we can, boycott Biden’s inauguration, go to their functions and loudly (but peacefully) protest, turn our backs en mass when they speak, stop wearing dehumanizing apparel, use jury nullification, do not submit to unconstitutional orders, stop paying income taxes by the week then file extension after extension, withdraw from institutions that support progressives, ridicule our overlords, hold pray ins at their homes, swamp the swamp with mail, refuse to vote for rinos, hang our symbols in public and replace them as soon as they are removed, in DC drive at 10 mph four abreast during rush hour, withhold our allegiance, do not allow your kids to join the military, get out of the military if you are in, and use tours of public facilities to stop and sing the national anthem.

The internet gives us a way to meet, that is why we are being systematically removed from it. They fear us and our ability to upend their diabolical plans by peaceful means. To that end we must find ways of bypassing the social media giants that are our mortal enemies. To engage in civil disobedience against the billionaire class, we can boycott their firms, delete your progressive owned social media accounts, ridicule them, hold pray ins at their homes, call into talk shows to expose them, demand our churches excommunicate them, speak at assemblies against them, file non frivolous lawsuits against them and their firms. The billionaire class has positioned itself as the mortal enemy of us, our children and our Constitution. They are like Jews who voted for Hitler… fools who need to be shown their error.

We have been the target of all of these tactics, now it is time for us to turn the tables. The establishment thinks they have us on the ropes. In many ways they have. Nevertheless, Machiavelli said, in his letter to the Medicis, “The Prince,” that when faced with choosing the support of the people, or the aristocracy, a wise prince will choose the people, for the aristocracy is small and weak while the people are many and powerful. We are the people, we must stand against the elite, else we will be enslaved by our compliance. Use your power, don’t hide your light under a bushel, stop complying. If we act, they must fall, we can restore constitutional rule, but we have to do it. We tried inaction, it didn’t work. Lets try something that will. Follow the lead of Jesus, Gandhi, and Martin Luther King.


John Pepin

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