The Religion of Marxism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, progressivism, as well as socialism, Nazism and Marxism, are in fact religions. They meet all the criteria of a religion, they have sacraments and they have absolute faith despite evidence to the contrary, they even have a prophet, Marx. In fact socialism is one of the largest religions on the planet with many secretly worshiping at the alter of it, while pretending to be Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, atheist etc… Their real affiliation is to socialism. This wouldn’t be a bad thing if they admitted it but in fact socialism is an insidious underground religion. It’s tenets claim to be human hearted while in fact their true quality is diabolical. That is why socialism in all it’s evil incarnations is so hard to kill… it is a faith, and not a reasoned attitude.

Just as Christians have sacraments, anointing the sick, last rights, marriage, the Eucharist, penance and holy orders, the Marxist religion has sacraments as well, abortion, hypocrisy, violence against unbelievers and the goal is total government. Hypocrisy is their equivalent of holy orders, the double standard, one for them and another for everyone else. Hypocrites are their priests. Abortion takes the place of the Eucharist. Making the Marxist religions exactly like Moloch worship. Masked violence against unbelievers is how they demonstrate their faith. While the sacraments of most religions seek to elevate the human condition, the Marxist religions seeks to subject humanity to it’s totalitarian rule, and insure few if anyone goes to Heaven.

Marx is the prophet of socialism. Whether or not they admit it, progressives, socialists, and Marxists worship the man. He is held in the same esteem by them as Mohamed, Buddha and Christ to the openly religious. Nazism however is like Mormonism, with Hitler as their prophet, and is despised by true Marxists as a blasphemy. Listen to the way they talk about Marx. They are more reverent about Marx than the Pope is about Jesus. They build monuments to him, make pilgrimages to his grave and even in their hearts pray to him. Marx is a prophet in the theme of Mohamed or Quetzalcoatl, religion spread by conquest, lying to unbelievers and enforced by violence and terror. The Communist Manifesto is more accurately their scripture.

All the Marxist denominations are diabolical in action, effect and intent. Unlike most religions, which are based in love of their fellows, the Marxist religion is based on hate and envy. They hate the bourgeoisie, libertarians, marriage, peace, prosperity, freedom, and especially Christianity. They will find common purpose with anyone who is also filled with hate. Rather than seek to lift people up, socialists seek to make everyone like ants, lowly, belly crawling and expendable. They look at their fellow man with utter contempt and loathing, seeing nothing but an automaton that needs to be reigned in and controlled. The Marxist religion is one that has resulted in the slaughter of over one hundred million people in less than a century… making it the most violent in human history.

As a result, discourse cannot overcome the Marxist religion, it must be utterly discredited, it’s followers called out for who they are and what they worship. You cannot reason with a zealot, especially one who accepts abortion, hypocrisy, violence against unbelievers and lying as sacraments… let alone trust anything they say. It’s like sleeping with a rattle snake. Diabolical in nature and violent in practice the Marxist religions, progressivism, socialism and Marxism, seek to lower, never elevate, and is spread in our schools, law, media and culture. They are the opposite of Christian… which is why they so despise Christianity and Christians. What makes the Marxist religions so dangerous however is that it’s most zealous adherents are the elite around the world. So recognize progressives, socialists, Nazis and Marxists for who they really are… religious fanatics willing to lie, kill and die for their religion.


John Pepin

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