The Oligarchy of Judges

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the very people our Constitution tasks with it’s protection, are the ones who are it’s greatest threat. I mean of course judges. They, en masse, have abandoned the idea of limited government, individualism, fairness and equality under the law, and instead have embraced, unlimited government, administrative rule, collectivism, bias and arbitrary rule. These same people and their sycophants in the media that calls itself unbiased, demand we abandon our founding principles to be replaced by the principles espoused by Marx, Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Lenin, Che and Fidel. Even as they use their high positions to undermine our Constitutional Rights, they demand the rest of us give up our free speech Rights, and shut up about it. Judges seeking to destroy our republic, and replace it with autocratic administrative government, with socialism as the economic system, will not tolerate criticism. They, like all would be despots, realize their actions are those of villains and as such, if enough people took notice, their plans for world domination would be foiled, like any other fake ghost on Scooby Doo.

Most of the framers of our Constitution were lawyers with some farmers and a very few businessmen. They believed that lawyers would always be a force for limited government, freedom and individualism, that is why they made judges so powerful. A defacto aristocracy. The founders placed the Supreme court as the final arbiter of what is Constitutional and what is not out of their faith in lawyers. Sadly, throughout the history of our republic, those same judges have ruled against our Constitution as often as they did for it. The reason our nation was not made a democracy, is because the founding fathers understood that democracy is simply the tyranny of the majority over the minority, the reason they didn’t make us a dictatorship is because, dictatorship is full on oppressive, and the reason we are not an aristocracy is because aristocracy always eventually falls into oligarchy. Yet we have become an oligarchy in all but name, due largely to the judges that have brought us here. The oligarchy of lawyers.

Most judges today openly admit our Constitution is flawed, and should be changed willy nilly by fiat when they say it is a living breathing document, which of course really means, it should be changed by unelected judges as they see fit. You know… to keep up with the times. Yet as times change, people remain the same, and our Constitution was written not to control the people, but government officials. Officials like judges, who don’t like their actions being limited in any way, who have worked tirelessly for centuries to pervert our government. Now, the extremely limited federal government under the original intent of our Constitution, has become absolute in it’s power, as the state governments have become extremely limited, so now we are controlled and officials have unlimited power. Judges today have no sense of shame. They openly admit their hatred for our Constitution even while on foreign lands. Like Ginsberg did in Egypt, when she said she would not use the US Constitution as a template but the Marxist South African one instead.

Their training at the hands of progressives, who are in everything but name Marxists, minus the revolution, is paying dividends. The new class, those with advanced college degrees, run the show today and are near unanimous that freedom, limited government and individualism must go away… so they can have the absolute power they so richly deserve. The new class believes itself smarter than the rest of us, because lets face it, they have advanced college degrees, they believe themselves better, because they were smart enough to get those degrees, and more moral because they have been taught how great socialism is. The new class runs our corporations, media, government, teaches our youth, adjudicates our court cases, run our ad agencies and it they have their way, will run our very lives as well. New class progressives are deeply in love with the power of government to do all sorts of “good.” They have no problem doing evil, because to a progressive, the end justifies the means.

Imagine for a moment how hard it will be for Trump as President now that everything he does must pass muster by over seven thousand judges. If any one of them has a problem that order, rule or decision is overturned until other judges decide to allow it to stand, or usurp the role as President. Judges abhor the separation of powers, it limits their role in human affairs. Talk about biting the hand that feeds, judges have turned on our Constitution,…and care nothing for the fact that their power comes from that document. They have become so brazened that they have taken the mask off, and freely admit they detest of our Constitution, every time they say it is a living breathing document. They regularly make rulings that fly in the face of logic, constitutionality and precedent without blushing. Not once has a judge deemed a progressive, changed sides to rule in favor of limited government, individualism or original intent, but many if not most who were supposed to be originalists… have. Yes, our judges are the biggest threat to our Constitution there is, and they know it. Maybe that is why we are not allowed to criticize them, our criticism might awake others and foil their dastardly plot.


John Pepin

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