The Poor Elite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our governments are filled with people with profound mental illnesses. I think this fact bodes ill for us and our civilization. Biden is suffering from advanced Alzheimer else dementia. His nuclear waste disposal tzar is a kleptomaniac narcissistic cross dresser. Meanwhile, his vice President is clearly addicted to Adrenochrome. Those are the faces of the administration! Imagine how twisted the people behind the lens are!? The fact they are normalizing pedophilia is a sure sign of serious mental illness… as well as a total lack of self awareness. The open lying is indicative of narcissistic, Machiavellian or psychopathic disorders. From stem to stern the elite are riddled with serious psychosis. In the name of humanity, we need to get them help!

Mental illness is no more the fault of someone so afflicted than a person with type 1 diabetes. It’s a sickness that can be helped somewhat by drugs but is an illness nevertheless. Instead of hate or anger at the mental patients that run the world, we should give them compassion. They’re suffering every day, and that suffering forces them to rape children, do lines of coke in the White House, undermine the rule of law, sell access to power, lie constantly, shower with their daughters, believe boys can be changed to girls and visa versa, have zero self control, a warped sense of self, a diminished capacity, are subject to paranoia, often don’t know their own sex, are kleptomaniacs, hypocrites, take pride in perversion, use adrenochrome, along with exhibiting a plethora of other signs of serious mental illness.

They need our sympathy not our barbs. The elite are suffering terribly. Imagine being compelled to rape little children or covering it up. Every elite is doing one or the other. What about knowing you’re responsible for the deaths of millions of people with your lab experiments? How about knowing the adrenochrome your addicted to costs the lives of kids to make? I would have a very difficult time living with that! Wouldn’t it be nearly impossible to make it through life, with the burden of not being able to tell the truth… even when it serves you better? Those poor elites. Then there is the certain knowledge that they are going to burn in Hell fire for all eternity. I, for one, pity them. The inner lives of the elite must be unimaginably dark, with afterlives illuminated with intense infrared light.

Having people with serious mental illness run the world, is a sub optimal path to world success, if you ask me. Obviously, it’s in the interests of the human race, to have not only sane people in charge, but intelligent, wise and good people leading. Having good and wise people set the example, instead of people riddled with mental illness, would lead nations to prosperity, low crime and health. Mental as well as physical health. Having psychos in charge however, has led to poverty, crime and ill health. Both in physical and mental health. It’s in our best interests to replace them with people who are rational, wise, good and truthful. It’s also in the interests of the elite to do this. Have a heart and end their suffering. Remove the elite from power, and get them into counseling, psychiatric drugs and rest.

It’s only human hearted to get the elite the help they need. Staying in power is only exacerbating their suffering. Like any drug addict, they dare not let go of the chains that are binding them. To let go constitutes a loss. They can’t imagine life without adrenochrome lightening their mood, children to rape, and people to lie to. Such a life seems impossible to them. Because they’re so deeply mired in their mental illness. Moreover, they know their eternal fate. Which is another source of distress for the elite. Think of the elite for a change. Do what’s best for them. They don’t belong in the bureaucracy, as representatives, in our courts, as President, senators, in parliament or as prime ministers, they need to be institutionalized and treated. For their own good and the good of mankind as a whole.


John Pepin

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