The Pathological Liars

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, our governments in Australia, Britain, Canada, France, Germany and the US, have become pathological liars. To come to any other conclusion given recent events would be Pollyannish. What have they lied about… you may ask. The lies range from the small to the giant and span the range. From claiming cloth masks don’t work, then they do and you must wear them, back to they don’t work anymore but you still have to wear them… to the Gretchen Whitmer kidnapping was an organic crime, when it was in fact hatched by, paid for and manned by the FBI, the patsies pulled in to promote a political candidate and ideology. Very pathological of them. It has got to the point that when any government agent tells you anything, the sky is blue for example… the truth is the exact opposite.

In the US the lies have become so apparent the elite don’t even pretend they aren’t lies… only that we are legally bound to repeat them, and pay lip service to their veracity. The “fact checkers” as well as the New York Times, in recent lawsuits with Project Veritas and others, have admitted in legal filings, their fact checks and news pages are in fact opinion, so the courts cannot hold them to the standard of truth. These are the people backing the false narratives the pathological liars spew. You have to admit, filing documents in court, under oath, professing to be liars, is pretty damning. Nevertheless, many still believe anything the admitted liars at the NYT, and the court documented lying fact checkers say. Probably because they are parroting our lying overlords… and you have to believe them, or go to jail.

A particularly egregious lie that still flies under the radar is the cover up of the 2017 Las Vegas shooting. The story that a guy, a “lone shooter,” who supposedly shot all those conservatives at a country music festival, from multiple locations, with a bump stock that never jammed, littering the ground with casings at every gate to the site, shooting through a window the police had to break later, and even continuing the gunfire after he was dead, in several locations, including the Vegas airport tarmac… stretches the credibility of the elite feeding us that bullshit. An attack on American’s that took the lives of over 50 people and wounded over 400, you would think the media would have investigated it for more than a week… considering they are still wall to wall about the false flag “insurrection.”

The latest batch of JFK files show that the government lied about the JFK assassination. That is why the national security apparatus demanded the files be kept sealed for decades. Some still are. The elite have lied for so long, about so much, they have lost the ability to distinguish between truth and falsity. They have become so pathological, they cannot help themselves, making claims that are transparently obviously a lie. Like the recent Synagogue attack by a Muslim chanting Islamic diatribes, holding Jews captive for leverage to get a terrorist released… and the FBI claims they have no idea of a motive? They are not that stupid. Their lies could not be more obvious… or pathological. Now there is evidence the terrorist was let into the country by the FBI despite his Islamic terrorist ties? Is that not pathological?

How many people are dead, because the bureaucracy saw fit to transfer the technology to make chimeric viruses to the CCP, then funded their creation, leading directly to the Covid pandemic? Next, our governments, not simply content to have created and either released intentionally else stupidly that deadly pathogen, decided to vilify safe, inexpensive medicines they know work against the virus, even taking doctor’s licenses for saving patients. It has got to the point that we have to act, else we are ignoring Solzhenitsyn’s warning, and in doing so, condemning many to spend their lives in a neo gulag archipelago. Only a fool trusts a known pathological liar. Skepticism used to protect a clearly false narrative, is not skepticism, it is stupidity. Yet that is what passes for wisdom today. Let’s instead use our skepticism to examine the lies, liars and what is their motivation. Then act accordingly.


John Pepin

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