How Perpetrators Transfer Blame

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, an astounding play on logic… for the perpetrators of history’s atrocities to blame the victims. As the Russians were vilified for the Soviet era, the Germans for WWII, and the entire West for the slavery the West outlawed a hundred fifty years ago, the elite, who were, are, and always will be the culprits, transfer blame for their crimes. The same will be true when North Korea eventually falls. The global elite will blame the people of North Korea for the Kim dynasty’s crimes against them. This is an established means of twisting blame from the elite perpetrator to his victims… so the millennia long crime spree can continue. Crimes committed by government are always the fault of the elite, since the elite run the government, the comeuppance for them by the pitchfork.

When a criminal is not punished, a triple injustice is done, the victim is ignored, society is harmed and that crime will continue, insuring more victims. Since this is the case for small crimes, how much more so of big crimes? We punish bank robbery to prevent bank robbery, yet we don’t punish the elite when they create a virus in a lab, release it either through stupidity or malevolence, then use their positions of power to magnify the deaths that result from their intransigence… and expect there will be no punishment? Allowing them to get away with such a stunning crime against humanity, spits in the face of the dead, injured and their families, corrodes the people’s faith in our institutions, and sets up the scenario for more such crimes in the future. All because the elite are above the law.

Most nations begin in some form of virtue and the leaders, over time, lead the people to corruption. This is the natural evolution of government. Corruption doesn’t just materialize in a vacuum, like stray particles in the quantum foam, but is actively fostered by the elite. Typically using some form of the Hegelian dialectic. They create a pernicious incentive by some legislation, regulation or fiat. When the predicted problem arises, they exploit the people’s reaction to justify another law, regulation, or fiat to “solve” the problem created by the first action. This of course has undesired consequences, and so more power must be granted to the elite to solve that problem… and so on. As the snowball of laws, regulations and edicts grows, eventually it cannot be moved and the nation grinds to a halt.

Once a nation has become utterly corrupted by the elite, the people rise up and change the situation with pitchforks, else the edifice collapses. The American Revolution of 1776 was just that. Farmers rising up with pitch forks, muskets and filled with the human fervor for freedom. Thankfully, they were led by moral Christian men, at the epitome of Enlightenment thinking. Dionysius the tyrant of Syracuse was overthrown, not once, but twice. Once by Dion. Then Dion was overthrown, for being too easy on Dionysius’ loyal men, and the tyrant reinstalled. Then the people’s lamentations were met by Timoleon of Corinth who led the final overthrow of the tyrant. Oppressors never willingly give way for more human hearted replacements, they are only replaced by force, or collapse… as will be the CCP.

Maybe a better paradigm would be to interrupt the evolution from virtue to corruption? Force absolute transparency on government, not the window dressing of the freedom of information act, but make transparency obligatory and the default. “The more laws the less justice” – Cicero. If a law, regulation or edict creates unforeseen consequences, repeal it… instead of adding more pages to an already cosmic sized legal code. Trump’s brilliant idea, to force the bureaucracy to remove two regulations for every one they add, worked superbly. The list of ways to improve the situation for the betterment of mankind is infinite. The hard part… is implementing any of them. Because the corrupt elite’s subversion rests on unjust laws. Since no corrupt elite will investigate themselves, it is up to us, to demand they be held to their own laws, as strictly as they would hold a poorly socialized red headed orphan.


John Pepin

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