The Opposite Of What We Are Told

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, everything we see and hear from the gatekeepers of information today, big tech, main stream media and other elite… is exactly backwards. Take the latest scandal to break, that Hillary Clinton invented the Russian Collusion hoax, as a red herring to divert attention from her email scandal, the Podesta emails and the murder of Seth Rich. Remember what a scandal it would have been had Donald Trump actually colluded with Russians to effect the 2016 election? Well, as it turns out, Hillary did. She invented it, then colluded with Russian agents to frame Trump, to draw attention from her own crimes. Moreover, the CIA and FBI knew it yet went after Trump anyway! We all knew there was more to the story, but wow, all the way to the top… doing that which they accused Trump of.

So, the “Trump colluding with Russia” hoax, that spawned a three year special council investigation, according to the CIA’s assets in the Russian intelligence service at the time, was Hillary’s brain child. Not only that, they all knew it the whole time, making Obama, Biden, Comey, Brennen, Mueller and his entire team, co conspirators. Let the magnitude of that sink in for a second. Millions of taxpayer dollars were squandered, knowingly and maliciously, by the Mueller team, in the furtherance of a swindle on the American people. A scam that effected the 2018 election in favor of the parties to the fraud. Such corrupt acts are only committed by people who believe themselves above the law. We see that in fact, since they were not prosecuted then, or now, they actually are above the law.

The same media that told us, and still tells us, that Trump colluded with Putin, are now telling us the riots are being done by white supremacists! They are agog, demanding everyone they run onto that we utterly and totally disavow white supremacy, and when we do, they continue, but do you really? In order to divert attention from the fact, democrat brown shirts are the ones burning our democrat run cities to the ground. Very progressive. Yet this again illustrates the supply demand problem, there is a huge demand for white supremacists, to hate and attack, but there is effectively a zero supply. Even the KKK has gone underground and maybe has gone under as an organization. Yet the fraud continues, the main stream media shilling the narrative, the riots are white supremacists, ignoring reality.

Has anyone else seen the Biden commercial, where he says, If you make less than $300,000.00 your taxes will not go up a penny? He says that with a straight face, like a psychopath… or someone riddled with dementia. Does his handlers actually think no one, including Biden, remembers when Obama said, If you make less than $200,000.00 your taxes will not go up? Because the first thing Obama did when he got in office, and I mean the first thing, look it up… was to raise taxes on cigarettes! Apparently Obama didn’t realize poor people smoke at a disproportionate rate? Else he was lying then as Biden is now. Biden claims he will harm the billionaires and corporations. The same people financing his campaign and censoring any criticism. Do you honestly believe he will bite the hand that feeds him?

It becomes more and more obvious as the days pass that everything we are shown, told and forced to regurgitate, else face the wrath of the mob, is exactly backwards. Biden laughably claiming he will harm the rich, when he himself is rich, is so obviously a lie only zealots believe it… and I bet most of them don’t either. That the riots are right wing white supremacists is a clear deception. Everyone knows they are rich kids, banding together at the behest of their Marxist professors, to form ANTIFA and BLM. Their version of the Shining Path. Now strong evidence surfaces that the entire Russian collusion fraud was Hillary Clinton’s idea. I am so not shocked. Constantly, we are told the exact opposite of the truth, which makes it easy to recognize the truth… it is the opposite of what we are told.


John Pepin

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