The Obama Presidency

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the United States and indeed the entire world, is far worse off eight years after the election of Barak Obama, making his Presidency one of the worst, if not the worst President in US history. By every measure the US has slid backwards, race relations, disease, economically, socially, militarily and culturally. Obama’s outstandingly poor record of performance while in office is also marred by the most damaging scandals in US history, fast and furious, Benghazi, IRS as a political weapon, wiretapping reporters, the VA scandal, etc… all these scandals without a single special prosecutor. From the destruction of the US Constitution to the rise of radical Islam Obama has created one mess after another at home and abroad. When he was elected he ran on hope and change, today hope for the future is at an all time low, and our nation has been fundamentally changed for the worse.

When Obama was elected race relations were at an all time high. Obama had huge support of every race especially white voters. Since he was elected he has sown the seeds of division, hate and anger. Today there is violence in our streets, police are being murdered across our nation and our large cities are no longer safe places to raise children or even go to the store. Rather then unifying us Obama has made it his priority to divide us along racial lines. From jumping in to attack the Cambridge police before he had any information, then having to have a “beer summit” to save face, to his absurd stance that easy access to guns is causing the riots and police murders, Obama ‘ record on race relations is as bad if not worse than Woodrow Wilson’s.

Economically, Obama has been the only President in history to enjoy zero interest rate for the entirety of his term, yet economically the US has been in depression since the great recession. The staggering number of people not it the workforce shows an underlying weakness in the economy that is as pervasive as it is destructive of our standard of living. Meanwhile, that record low worker participation rate feeds the need for record welfare rolls, record food stamp participants and declining real wages. Despite the run up in stocks, largely fueled by the unheard of low interest rate allowing corporations to buy back their own stock thus keeping the market artificially high, enriching the corporate CEOs at cost to shareholders, customers and employees, the actual value of our investments has declined with a record high price to earnings ratio (P/E). Because of Obama care the incentives to hire full time employees is negative. That is why low paying temp jobs are rapidly becoming the norm and poverty is rising.

There has never been a President who had so many terrorist attacks on US soil during his Presidency. Once 911 happened, Bush took steps, and we didn’t see another successful attack on American soil under his Presidency, in stark contrast to Obama. Under Obama there has been an Islamic terror attack resulting in American deaths every year of his Presidency. Obama has done everything in his power to hinder law enforcement from addressing the root causes of Islamic terror even refusing to acknowledge Islamic terror! His willful blindness to Islamic theology, inciting it’s followers to attack infidels and instill terror in their hearts, as Islamic scripture induces it’s followers to do, has encouraged more attacks, not placated them as Obama said it would. Today the average American is more likely to die from an Islamic terrorist attack than at any other time in US history.

The US Constitution is under attack from every angle today. Every amendment has been eroded under Obama. From his perpetual hatred of the Second Amendment, to outright attacks on free speech and freedom of religion, Obama has shown himself to be an enemy of our basic fundamental rights as enumerated in our founding documents. Our society has moved so far away from limited government and liberty, that a politician who openly avows fealty to our Constitution and it’s principles, is called an extremist! The rule of law has become arbitrary rule under Obama with some above the law and others below it’s protections.

In Iraq, Obama snatched loss from the jaws of victory. Regardless whether we should have got in that war to begin with, Bush had essentially won the war, when Obama came into office he unilaterally withdrew US forces and ceded Iraq to radical Islamic fundamentalists, who have since wiped Christianity from that place where it has been for two thousand years, enslaved young women for sex, and is a safe haven for exporting Jihad to the rest of the world. When the people of Iran rose up to quit themselves of the chains of the Ayatollah, Obama sided with the Ayatollah, and against the freedom movement! Last year Obama gave Iran the green light to build a nuclear arsenal it can use against the US and Israel, with a memo recently intercepted from Iran, showing they plan to use an EMP weapon against the US power grid!

By every measure the Obama Presidency has been a disaster. Our economy is teetering on the edge of catastrophe, our streets run red with blood, our Constitutional Rights are under assault like never before, the world has devolved into turmoil and war, the proliferation of weapons of mass destruction goes on unimpeded and hope for the future is at another all time low. The hacking of the Black Lives Matter movement, a home grown terrorist organization, leaked to the public shows they plan on a “Summer of Chaos,” that they hope will allow Obama to usher in marshal law. Now, that would be his crowning achievement, calling for marshal law in the US for the first time in our history. One has to wonder how anyone so inept could become a janitor, let alone President, unless he is not incompetent, but a villain. History will have to answer that question, what is unquestionable however, is that Obama has been one of if not the worst President in US history if not the worst… as measured by results.


John Pepin

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