The New Class’ Psychotic Break

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the new class has not only discredited itself, it has turned on it’s own foundational myth, modernism. The systems they have perverted and edifices they have defaced are the very ones that gives them their authority. They have become so twisted they have launched a full scale war against the rest of society. Using violence and fear to control people’s thoughts and actions in the furtherance of their political agenda… the normal definition of terrorism. They have become so mesmerized by post modernism, and the fact it gives them a justification for unlimited power, to carry out their subjective needs. To that end it would seem the new class is ready to scuttle the ship in the middle of the ocean. Brave… but perhaps a bit foolhardy.

The new class was defined by Alvin Gouldner and others. They are the professional class. Those with advanced degrees. He argued the New Class is a class unto itself, in that they have a common language, common ways of thinking and common likes and dislikes. This class, the New Class, is made up of two sub-classes. The intellectuals and the intelligentsia. It is the intellectuals who set the agenda and the intelligentsia who carry it out in the real world. Corporate CEOs who give intellectual property to the CCP for a bigger bonus, doctors who lie about life saving therapies, media pundits who lie when the truth would serve them better if their masters order it, while judges and lawyers practice arbitrary rule… these are the intelligentsia. University professors and think tanks provide the intellectuals.

From the Boy Scouts to the NRA the new class has corrupted every organization they run. The new class with it’s newfound idol, post modernism, is happily set itself to destroying every good institution that exists. The Boy Scouts, which until 2014, had never produced an Eagle Scout who was convicted of a felony. That great organization that helps boys, at a time when boys are under attack like never before, is being sued into oblivion because progressives forced them to lower the standards for scout masters. The results were obvious and predictable, as are the lawsuits today that stem from that decision. Even the vaunted NRA has reversed course and instead of protecting the Second Amendment… it willingly gave it’s membership list to the District Attorney of SDNY!

Every Marxist revolution that has ever taken place has been led by disaffected intellectuals and soldiered by the hopeless. Disaffected intellectuals are disaffected because they think their greatness is overlooked, so they will force us to recognize their greatness, at the point of a gun, club or knife. They join Marxist groups like ANTIFA, don helmets, black clothing reminiscent of the Schutzstaffel, and brandish clubs… then beat innocents senseless. That is one way to punish ignoramuses for not recognizing your greatness, even if you still live in your parent’s basement. They are joined by BLM another Marxist organization, but one closer in ideology to the Nazis, due to the racial component of their socialism. All are either college kids, school teachers, professors or poor black kids.

The new class has turned against it’s own raison d’etre… Guided by university professors, brainwashed youth, (the future new class) violently rage against the very foundations of our civilization. Violence apparently is all the authority they need or want. Who is to stop them? The new class runs the media, bureaucracy, law enforcement, corporations, our courts, schools and medicine, and have proven themselves heartless and ambitious. We see their constant lies and wonder if they are having a psychotic break with reality. Which is probably the most appropriate way to think of it. The new class has had a psychotic break and has become an existential threat. Not only to themselves but to the whole of civilization. They have become ideologically captured by a psychopathic dogma… progressivism.


John Pepin

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