The Moral High Ground

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, leftists consider themselves on the moral high ground, as they defend the gutter. On every question the progressive faction takes the Malthusian anti human side. While claiming to defend humanity. A normal person can’t imagine acting and speaking in such opposition. It would psychically rip a regular person in half. The elitist progressive elite however have evolved beyond the mere need for cognitive resonance. They consider themselves to be Nietzsche’s Ubermen. Morality is what they say it is, enforced by their willingness to use violence to silence. Because in the fevered fantasies of the favored, whatever they want is moral, no matter how heinous it is. Since they’re the elite and anything the elite want, is by Thrasymachus’ definition… moral.

If the goal is a utopia that’s so great, it makes the dead in heaven want to come back, no atrocity is out of bounds. In that case, defending the immoral, to create the super moral, must be moral? Wouldn’t it? No way such an argument could be considered circular could it? Nevertheless, that’s effectively the justification a myriad of tyrants have used to rationalize their atrocities. “We’re getting our hands dirty today but the future will thank us.” Is as circular as a tire. Who considers the Nazis heroes? Or the Young Turks? Other than psychopaths who want to repeat their atrocities. Because no theoretical future utopia justifies atrocities today. The means taint the ends. Moreover, only evil ends require evil means, no matter how pretty it may sound. The ends never elevate evil means to the moral high ground.

The self justification of the progressive movement is amazing in its lack of self awareness. The self blind self justifying is like the blind running a steeplechase full bore. There’s no way it doesn’t end in an emergency room visit. I suppose that’s what becomes of a person who lives in an echo chamber atop an ivory tower. Without input from society they become ever less rational. Thus forcing go alongers to go along. Openly avowing the things they once claimed they despised. To go along with the elite’s self justification. Meanwhile, the rest of us look at them and the elite leading them to absurdity, with absolute astonishment. Like when they take private jets to Davos to discuss how to limit our use of fossil fuels. Believing that gives them the moral high ground. Talk about a lack of self awareness.

In every question, the progressive globalist faction takes the anti human one. They staunchly advocate for the sterilization of children on a whim, abortion to birth (and after to be honest), making people dependent on the state, claiming there’s over population, etc… There’s not one stance of the left today that would result in more people, less war and more wealth. Every position they take drains the wealth, population and humanity from the world… in an effort to make it better. Their foundational ethos is, the less people the better. They as much as said so on the Georgia Guide stones before someone blew them up. Right under the watchful gaze of 24/7 cameras. Like Epstein’s “suicide.” Let’s face it, taking the position there needs to be less people… isn’t the moral high ground.

If you or I had pushed for more taxes our entire careers in government, then were caught cheating on our taxes, the hypocrisy would make us flee the lime light, like Golum. Were we to find ourselves in the position of defending pedophilia, you and I would reassess our position. If we demanded people get a shot, and prove it before traveling, then discovered that shot had killed millions with little if any protection… you or I would not only be shamed to oblivion, but prosecuted to life in prison. Then there’s the censorship, in the name of stopping mis and disinformation. Censorship that killed people because it stifled the truth. In each case the elite defended the immoral, as their lackeys in the mockingbird media knighted them, as taking the moral high ground. Showing who we can’t trust.


John Pepin

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