The Mist Of Madness

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, like a mist, madness has fallen on mankind, and that lunacy is critical race theory, (CRT). The afflicted lose the ability to reason, forget who their real friends are, and attack anyone not infected. You can easily tell when someone has become infected, they only spout ideology, and lose themselves in the process. Someone who was sane before, becomes only able to respond in pre-programmed ways. Argue two plus two equals four, and they will respond with, “Hate speech!” Say all people are the same inside and they will attack you as a racist. I don’t know if there is a cure. Exorcism perhaps? Those who fall under the spell of CRT become zombie like. Maybe someone ate their brains? Although, I suspect we haven’t seen the full extent of the damage they will wreak… yet.

Remember that movie, where if people got a whiff of some chemical, they would immediately commit suicide by whatever means was at hand? Some would stab themselves in the neck, others would climb under a lawnmower, while a few would bash their heads in on the pavement. That was shocking, but not as shocking to me, as the mist the causes people to give their own children a shot that could kill them, to prevent a flu that cannot, think it is okay for Americans to go to a supermax without trial, for protesting a fraudulent election, or church leaders arrested by SWAT on the highway. I can believe some chemical in the air could get me to climb under a mower, (hopefully I would choose one that wouldn’t stall out after maiming me badly), before I would think any of those things are alright.

Tribalizing, teaching intolerance and self loathing to children, cannot be said to be a loving act. Then again a zombie is not capable of love. It has only one drive… to eat the brains of uninfected people. So why wouldn’t those crazed with the madness of CRT spread it as far and wide as possible? They have no self control, independence or sanity left. Instead of being wary of covid in the schools, the real danger is CRT. Studies show that the public school is the biggest vector for infection with CRT. Sadly, masks and experimental biological agents, masquerading as vaccines, only serve to increase the spread of CRT. Once infected, the nihilism that CRT injects into the psyche, will eat the victim alive, from the inside. You know… like a wasp larvae does a caterpillar.

The mist of CRT moves both stealthily and overtly. While our rulers, who pretend to be leaders, claim we must embrace CRT… to finally reach our glorious future of equality of misery, they disavow any knowledge of it whatsoever. Wile displaying the same level of cognitive dissonance as Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy or Mao. Meanwhile, the cultural elite contaminate everything they allow to be produced for the public’s consumption, with CRT. Even as cancel culture, powered by the mist, comes after anyone not infected. CRT acts like the body snatchers in that way. Anyone they discover has not been absorbed, is pointed at, while the infected make an inhuman cry, causing others to point and scream as well. Eventually, even heroes must flee at the ruckus.

I wonder if there is a way to exorcise the demons that hold sway over those infected with CRT? So many are infected, it would be a shame to let them rot away, if there is anything we can do to save them. Maybe a sound of a particular pitch, a round of Ivermectin… or frontal lobotomy, would snap them out of it. Sadly, I am not sure there is a simple solution. Maybe the infection has to run its course? Regardless, there could be a way to inoculate those not infected. Knowledge, wisdom and the will to use them… to filter the poison of CRT from the air we breathe, food we eat and TV we watch. All of which rely on the individual and cannot be imposed from outside. We uninfected should lead by example, showing others not yet infected, or in the early stages of infection… how to beat it.


John Pepin

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