The Manipulated are Hated by Everyone… Even Themselves

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the most reviled people, are the easily manipulated. They are loathed by their manipulators, others who see them as weak, and themselves. People who view them, as so limp minded they can be manipulated to act against their own interests and give up their agency, not only hate them, but often actively wish the manipulated harm. As their comeuppance. Obviously, those manipulating them into self harm despise their victims, and the act of being manipulated engenders even more hatred in the manipulators, justifying their manipulations. Finally, they hate themselves because in their hearts they know they have been manipulated to self harm, but admitting it would make them look like idiots, while continuing self harm makes them actual idiots. So, to them, perception trumps reality.

Manipulation can take many forms. Lies, censorship, and red herrings are the most popular, but other swindles exist as well. No one denies that big tech censors people today, the debate has shifted to, if that censorship is legal. Enmeshing lies, censorship and distraction all in one. Very progressive! We have manipulation by open censorship, that is bolstered by the lie they are doing it for our own good, and the distraction of bigotry underlays it all. One thing they rely on is the cave. That we are willing to set in a cave and watch shadows be projected on a wall and call that reality. That is what setting before the nightly news has become. A cave where we are manipulated into self harm. Google manipulates search results, Facebook your feed, others as needed, as the elite corral us into a cult.

The results of the manipulations are obvious to anyone aware. Why has the cost of energy skyrocketed, immigration gone out of control, and DC needs a wall to protect them, from us… since the election? Why is it we are enraged when people protest for a return to constitutional rule, but sanguine when rioters burn down cities, in an effort to overthrow our Constitutional system? Why did we accept a year long shutdown that ruined us but made the elite exponentially more wealthy? How is it that the government of NY is planning on giving illegal aliens who lost their job, more than fifteen thousand dollars, but not citizen taxpayers? What is the deal with the untested biological agent we are lining up to get? We are accepting and doing all of this… because we have been manipulated into self harm.

The first step in not being manipulated is to disengage from manipulators. Stop watching the nightly news, it is not telling you the truth, they are manipulating you into self harm. Stop using Google, Bing and Microsoft search engines, They literally manipulate search results to control what you think. Delete your Facebook, Twitter and other big tech controlled social media accounts, they actively engage in manipulating their users by controlling what they see. Withdraw from those that manipulate you and they lose the ability. Instead get your news from a myriad of sources. Target those that openly tell you their bias. Such information undermines that organization’s ability to manipulate you. Those that hide their bias, start the relationship on a lie… by manipulating you into accepting them as unbiased.

People who are manipulated are not to be hated, they are to be pitied, and helped to escape the cage their tormentors have set up in their own minds. I admit, it is vexing, when someone spouts absurdity they should be smart enough to recognize as stupidity animated. Yet they are so brainwashed, they disagree with themselves without cognitive dissonance… because they no longer think for themselves. Contracting that out to psychopaths, who detest them, to do it for them. Reach out, try to penetrate the walls the elite have created in their detested victims minds, and help them escape. By helping them break loose from the shackles of mind control, by our overlords, we help ourselves and mankind itself escape the mind rot of malevolent would be totalitarian despots.


John Pepin

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