The Justice Of Vaccine Mandates

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, once the elite have established the premise, that our bodies are no longer sacrosanct, rejecting the Nuremberg code, but that we can be ordered to accept medical treatment we don’t want, as in Buck v Bell… it is a mere hopscotch leap to involuntary organ harvesting, for the greater good. Nothing is static, everything changes, therefore claiming a power given to the elite will remain static, is self delusion at best. Every time the elite get a power, whether from an emergency, fraud or usurpation, that power is not only permanent, it becomes the camel’s nose in the tent. Leading to ever greater powers for the elite and growing oppression for the people. Since this is the case, and there can be no oppression greater than control of another’s body, it cannot be tolerated under any circumstances.

We have a word for people who do not control their own bodies, that word is, slave. A person in bondage does not control their own body. A citizen or free human being does. The underlying idea, that we can be forced to accept untested medical treatment, for the greater good, is that we are not free human beings or citizens, we are something less. Slaves by traditional definition. Slaves, not to a single master who has a vested financial interest in our well being, but chattel to an oligarchy that sees us as unfit to live in their world, except perhaps as organ storage. A slave can be used as the master, or masters in our case, see fit. Like a knife can be used as a lever, shattering the knife, but who cares? Its only a knife. Those who demand we bow to their arrogance consider us no different.

Experts, even in their specialty, are not all knowing. Back in the day, doctors were all agog about the potential for Thalidomide to lessen the burden of pregnancy. Of course, most people who read this will have never heard of Thalidomide and the terrible deformities it wrought on babies. Born without arms and sometimes legs, always disfigured, the consequences for the innocents were terrible, the profits for pharma were very real as well. Thalidomide was not prescribed in the US though. Back then, the FDA did some due diligence. In Europe it injured over 10,000 people. A pittance compared to the opioid overdoses last year in the US, but another tragedy that is, and was, entirely the fault of the experts. If something has happened in the past, (the experts were horribly wrong) it can happen again.

Others don’t suffer the consequences of illness, disfigurement or a mauling, like the individual… therefore, no one but the individual can legitimately decide what to do with their own body. Someone may balk at reaching into a fire to retrieve a valuable ring for someone else. If they are ordered to, else face punishment, they are not free people. The master ordering the slave to damage him or herself, would never do it themselves, nor will they suffer the burns, disfigurement or possible permanent injury. They, literally, don’t have skin in the game. If this is the case with someone who knows us, how much less care would someone who has never met us, have? Only the individual, who has an all too real self interest, can have legitimate say over their own bodies. Anything less is unjust by definition.

The people who would tell us what medical treatments to have, are the very people who would order your daughter to give up her heart, if a ninety year old dirt bag needed it, for the greater good. Those who would make such decisions, for us, are not only unqualified, arrogant and careless, but are loathsome as well. Law is about legislation, interpretation and precedent. Once the precedent has been set, that we are no longer entitled to our own bodies, ala vaccine mandates, the door is opened to that stairway to oppression. Ascending to the ultimate tyranny, the despotism of a master over a slave, even to the point of involuntary organ harvesting. Think it cannot happen here? The Chinese didn’t think so either. It can, and might… because dirt bags will do anything to forestall their eternal reward.


John Pepin

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