The Illusion of Democracy is Tyranny

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, now that the democratic element of the US Constitution is null and void, our overlords can get to the real job of despotism. Oh, there are a few places where the people’s vote still count, but progressives are rectifying that at the federal level. How do we know the democratic element of the US Constitution is now null and void? The last two elections. The astounding fraud that took place in 2020 is only now coming to light. The more ugly truths that rise from the slime the more people are revolted. With the 2021 California election the question is answered. When people show up to vote, and are told they already have, not one or two but hundreds by the reports, it is hard to argue that there wasn’t significant fraud. All that really counts to despots though… is the appearance of democracy.

With the ways propagandists have come up with to manipulate the people, you would hardly think there is a need for open election fraud… but apparently there is. The replacement plan is too long term to assure permanent power yet, and people are waking up, so democrats have been reduced to election fraud. Thank Lucifer for the “unbiased media.” Having lost the debate, the pragmatically catastrophic failure of their ideas in the Twentieth Century, and without the moral authority to lead an ant farm, democrats must undermine democracy. When people show up to vote, and their ballot has been cast, that is prima facie proof of election fraud. The pile of stolen ballots found in a drug addict’s car notwithstanding. How many vote fraud cases do you suppose Soros DAs will prosecute?

Once a faction has monopoly control, and doesn’t need a mandate to rule, there is no need to meet any of the needs of the people, we are the enemy. Politics is politics, those at the top help those who helped them, and harm those that stood in their way. This paradigm is enhanced when the politicians are psychopaths. That is why politics is so vindictive… there are so many psychopaths in it. So, I ask you, why would a psychopath do anything for someone they consider an enemy? They wouldn’t. So don’t expect any advancements made on our societal ills, the overdose epidemic, pandemic, crime, taxes, oppressive edicts, unending wars, economy, terrorism, illegal immigration, inflation, or election fraud. Plan instead on those problems getting much much worse… because they serve the faction in control.

Any faction that relies on election fraud to gather power, is not only a usurper, but a swindler and true villain. I don’t see how anyone could argue they are heroes. Disenfranchising a nation, to gain power over it, is not the action of a good person. That is what evil people do. Should imps have any authority at all, let alone unlimited rule over a nation of people, they hate? Evil people should be kept away from power, and preferably, on the business end of a mop. If they miss a spot, oh well, but if they nuke the world, that is another level of failure. Plus, if they are so malevolent they can steal elections without remorse, what else are they capable of doing, without remorse? Maybe, manipulating kids into self sterilization, murdering millions of unborn, or importing heroin that kills tens of thousands a year?

As our political power wanes, we better use the last of it as best we can, to get a handle on election fraud. The democrat party is going all in, federalizing elections, so we will NEVER have another free and fair election again. We must stand for democracy. Write your worthless representative and senators, protest, participate in a general strike if anyone can get one going, talk to your neighbors, organize people, hold people criminally accountable, elect constitutionalist sheriffs, go to meetings, disobey, stand and be heard. If we let democracy slip from our fingers, what does that make us… the generation that failed to keep our most basic of Rights, followed shortly by the rest. Elections only bestow legitimate authority when they are real. Illusions, conjured by usurpers, only appear legitimate.


John Pepin

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