Jihadi Atheists

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, everything has a nature, and its opposite has the same nature, it is just the reverse. On its most basic level, a proton has an opposite, an anti proton. They have the exact same nature, the only difference is that the polarity is opposed. An electron also has a polar opposite, a positron. As in the proton and the anti proton, the positron has the same nature as the electron, in all but polarity. By the same nature, I mean, they behave the same. A positron acts exactly the same as an electron in the real world. This logic scales up to the macro world as well. A communist and capitalist have opposite ideas how an economy is best run, the elitist, top down command economy, communist approach, or the complex, bottom up, self organizing free market one… but both are economic theories.

Capitalism versus socialism are not the only dichotomies that are out there. There is the atheist versus religious. The atheist would have you think… atheism is not a belief. Then follow their self serving argument with an attack, to push in the point. Regardless of their ad homonym way of arguing, their nature is no different from a Jihadi, crusader or missionary. Just as the nature of an anti proton is no different than a proton, only their polarity is reversed. Just because a person is anti religious doesn’t mean they don’t have beliefs. That would make them inhuman. I believe it best not to attribute super human abilities, character or qualities to anyone. Making Atheism as much a belief as Judaism, Islam or Buddhism. (The “ism” at the end of the word is another clue it is a belief).

The most ardent atheist is a missionary for atheism, using our schools, culture and regulation. One of the outcomes of a strictly secular school system is that it produces secular graduates. You could say that the atheist public school system, preaches atheism, just as a parochial school is supposed to inculcate Catholicism, but now teaches atheism. To protect their tax free status and to be up with the times. Maybe it’s a sign of the times? Who knows? Making our schools, even some that claim to be religious, that are introducing kids to atheism, more accurately called, churches of atheism. Now, I have to admit, our culture doesn’t so much preach atheism, although that is an underlying theme of most family shows today, it openly advocates for Satanism. A religion of the same polarity as atheism.

The atheist is more like the socialist than the capitalist, in that they seek to enforce their theology by fiat and the apparatus of the state. While most religions prefer a complex, self organized free for all of theologies. Each vying for adherents in a free market of religions. No matter if any individual religion is extremely hierarchical within itself. Because, at their core, religions believe they have the right answer. Others, good as they may be, are doomed to Hell. All religions then believe in their message, that since it is the right one, people will naturally gravitate to it. All they need do is tell people the good news. Atheists on the other hand… don’t. 12 years to convert our kids, and the culture to further pervert them, and even that is insufficient. So they use the apparatus of the state to enforce their doctrine.

The Jihadi Atheist is the extreme end of the atheist anti religion. To them, there can be no limits, because they are saving the world from religion. They know they cannot win the argument. Even with all those years of preaching their belief, it fails. Because people need to believe in something worthwhile, we need meaning and purpose. All atheism has to offer is a miserable, angry, nihilistic, meaningless and hedonistic life, then perhaps something far worse. Even a child has the wisdom to back away from that abyss. On the religious polarity, there is meaning, an answer to the question of suffering, and a path to the best life a human being can have. It’s time we stopped allowing the Jihadi Atheists to call the shots. Look where they are trying to lead us… the reverse of where we want to go.


John Pepin

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