The Eye Of Sauron

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we are forging our own shackles, and donning them gleefully. From allowing big tech access to our innermost thoughts, and the opportunity to manipulate us, to setting on our hands because we are afraid to speak, we line up to be chained down. Unfortunately, most people don’t realize what they are doing. Some do, but are terrified of cancel culture, and others are hiding out. Hiding out may not be an option soon. With the advent of Amazon Sidewalk, Amazon will be able to reach into any home within a half mile of an Echo device, to listen in and even control the devices in yours or other people’s homes. Even if you don’t have anything like an Echo, Ring, or Alexa in your home, they can still monitor and control any device equipped with a 900 mhz radio… even if it isn’t on the internet.

It is impossible to turn off the tracking on an android or I phone. That is how the phone communicates with the switch. So, if you have a cell phone big tech knows where you are at all times… as long as they have corroborating data to know it is you. The more data they have the better picture they have of you. Who are they? “They” are big tech, government agencies and Non Governmental Organizations, (NGOs). We are a commodity, product and resource for them. You know… like cattle are to ranchers. Our brands are simply digital, since most of us would balk at a firebrand. Though, our manipulation is rapidly leading to the day when we will line up to get branded, on our foreheads or wrists. Until then, they will have to settle for the digital brands we carry in our pockets.

Signing up for social media would be good… if there were any truth in the packaging. Of course, instead of facilitating connecting with old friends, the big tech social media platforms are traps for the unwary. Traps that steal your personal information for the use of government, law enforcement and other malevolent actors. If you have nothing to hide, you have nothing to fear, and so that logic should go both ways, shouldn’t it? If government has nothing to hide, why does it work behind an iron curtain of secrecy? As we post our every thought, life event and personal feeling on big brothers bulletin board, the fog surrounding him becomes ever thicker. You have to admit, it is malevolent genius, to use the threat of cutting us off from their thought control mechanism, to control us.

Our psychopathic overlords are already sending ideas like pre-crime bureau, speech codes and thought laws up the flagpole. To “keep us safe.” As violent crime and the fear of it grows, because of the failings of our leaders, they will demand we give them more power, to protect us from the criminals they created. Eventually, if they fail enough, lie enough and make things bad enough… they will become gods on Earth. To that end our help is critical. How can they oppress us if they don’t have good information on us? How can we be tyrannized if we know the scheme? Our uppityness distinguishes us from cattle. That is why our participation is so appreciated. Soon, utopia will be here, like in Max Rockantansky’s world. Then, men will have to stop being women, and be men again.

To see the utopia they have in mind for our children, just watch every utopian sci fi movie ever created. Judge Dredd, Cherry 2000 or Escape NY for example. Utopia is Eden for the politically connected… and Hell for everyone else. That is the future we are running to embrace when we grab up big tech’s toys of totalitarianism. Moreover, by owning an Echo device, you are not only donning shackles but chaining up everyone within a half mile of you. Very progressive indeed. The only way to hide from Sauron’s eye then, is to be a total Luddite, else live a mile from your nearest neighbor. Instead, why not explain to your neighbors how dangerous that technology is, how it is being used to manipulate and monitor us. Maybe, if that knowledge gets out, enough of us may stop complying to make a difference.


John Pepin

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