The Electoral College

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when he loses, a scoundrel changes the rules rather than tries a new strategy. That is because it is in a scoundrel’s nature to be manipulative. Today the democrat party is seeking to change the rules for the Presidential election… showing them to be scoundrels. By their actions, the scoundrels that run the DNC prove daily, they despise the electorate. Why else would the democrats do everything in their power to subvert and pervert the vote? They have been caught in outright vote fraud, busing people from station to station, encourage aliens to vote, undermine any effort to clean up the rolls, demand children vote because they can be easily manipulated in the monopoly school system… and now want to eliminate the electoral college. Stealing suffrage from the people… how progressive.

The elephant in the room is the fact that the huge population centers are progressive bastions. They house millions of people, almost none of which ever have to come into contact with reality. Living in a fantasy they don’t understand how the world works. In their pretend world, electricity comes from the wall, there are no laws of thermodynamics, wild animals aren’t dangerous, food comes from the organic store, and they take it for granted they will live for a century. Being out of touch with reality, they can be convinced of anything, and that is the point. So they vote progressive… and if the progressives, the scoundrels, can get rid of the electoral college, they will have disenfranchised, thus enslaved the rest of the nation, the part that lives in contact with reality. Thus insuring democrat monopoly on power.

Socrates didn’t like democracy, at least not popular democracy, he believed for democracy to work the voters needed to be educated. There have been various plans put forth to enact this vision for the voters. The founding fathers believed in individual education, creating rugged individualists, capable, smart, wise and industrious. Dewy changed that paradigm, to one where the people were educated to have a slave mindset, be “good citizens” rather than rugged individuals. Even with the progressive indoctrination in the monopoly public schools, reality wakes too many, and so the scoundrels have decided to water down their vote. By turning a blind eye to fraud, aliens voting and now the electoral college, democrat scoundrels, are destroying the democratic element of our Republic.

The Democrat party has embraced post modernist philosophy, which is why they have changed from being the party that represented, (even poorly) the downtrodden, to being the party of the elite. Where they used to be patriots, now they stand for global government. Post modernism teaches that reality doesn’t exist except as a means to power. Even mathematics, science, history and logic are “racist,” in that they back and provide a foundation for the patriarchal hegemony. Post modernism has taken class struggle to the next step… group struggle. All they see is groups vying for dominance, some are victims and others are oppressors. The oppressors, regardless of their individual merits, are to be punished to benefit the victims, regardless of their individual faults. Westerners are the oppressors.

Scoundrels will get what they want, by hook or by crook, they care nothing of the consequences for future generations. Post modernists only believe in one thing, political power to punish oppressors and reward the oppressed. Not by individual merit but by group affiliation. Since overthrowing the patriarchy is the goal, reality doesn’t count and power is all that matters… the scoundrels, progressives, seek to undermine the votes of the educated and patriotic, with those of the foolish and treasonous. They seek the destruction of the United States as an entity, to be replaced with a global professional government, by administration. To that end, they need to get rid of the electoral college, because it stands in the way of total power, the progressive scoundrel’s fantasy… a single party state.


John Pepin

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