The Distraction Of The Trump Trials

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the Trump trials are distractions, as are the verdicts. We’re fixated on a meaningless theatrical production while the elite drag us closer to nuclear obliteration. Trump won’t go to jail, he would be murdered instantly. The Secret Service knows that, as do we all, and so they can’t allow it. The only effect of the play is to keep Trump from speaking, campaigning and fixing our attention… while the elite usurp as fast as they can. With momentous treaties being discussed, it behooves the elite to have us looking elsewhere… as they sell us into slavery. Even as our food processing plants burn, trains derail, trans mass shootings multiply, crime is out of control, we’re being replaced, and whole ports are taken offline due to “accidents.” The elite clearly need us distracted.

The UN and WHO pandemic treaty are naked attempts to go around the US Constitution and enslave us to an unaccountable globalist elite. While we’re stewing about the guilty verdict, despite the evidence proving innocence, the elite are taking away our Rights wholesale. If that hellspawn is allowed to be born human suffering on a global scale can only result. Let’s examine the last pandemic and the experts actions… First, Covid was created by the experts, then released either by ineptitude or malevolence, either is criminal. Yet no one has been charged for it. Proving the experts are unaccountable. The response was to shut down the economy, force us to wear masks and push a deadly ineffective shot on us. All of which made the pandemic, they created, worse.

What’s up with the “accidents” these days? Farms, processing plants and forests burning. As the elite gaslight us and claim it’s climate change. Yes, it was… the Canadian forest fires last year were due to a climate activist starting them. So you could say climate change causes arson. It’s tough to be a chicken but tougher today then ever before. Between the bird flu (probably made in a lab) and farm fires, they don’t stand a chance. Any bird that survives bird flu and so has immunity, is immediately killed, to protect the bird flu. In my entire lifetime, no ship hit a bridge, not once, until last year. Since then bridges have targets on them. They’re hit regularly now… for some reason. One could argue that since people follow their leaders, and ours are inept and evil, our entire society has become inept and evil.

Crime is out of control. So much so that robbery is normalized in many cities today. Heck, people are glad simply not to be randomly stabbed at a mall, by some Islamist making a point. Whole cities are being hollowed out due to retail theft. Of course, all this will be moot if the elite start a nuclear war with Russia or China. The detonation of a large portion of the world’s stockpile of nuclear weapons over Russian, European and American cities, will bring in a nuclear winter, and the extinction of many species across the world. Burning the world to the ground is a price the environmentalist elite are willing to pay, to cut greenhouse gasses. If they do end the world though, wouldn’t that make our elites the worst people to have ever lived?

No wonder they need such a powerful distraction. The trump trials have proven their worth… even if they have politically backfired. People are all worked up over the rigged trial, as we should be at such a perversion of our “justice” system. The elite know this and are willing for the courts to take the reputational hit, to damage Trump… and distract us from their crimes. The state of NY will be economically ruined by this action. No one in their right mind will want to do business there anymore. Only a fool participates in a system he or she knows is rigged. From street crime to nuclear war, we’re being distracted, to give room for the elite to usurp. The trump trials are theater to distract us and politically ruin Trump. Politically they’ve failed, as a distraction… they’ve worked spectacularly.


John Pepin

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