Modern Courts

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, what most modern courts and judges are too stupid to realize, is the court itself is on trial every bit as much as the defendant, especially when a defendant has negative political favor. Not only is the justice system’s honor on public display, before the public and world today… but they themselves will be judged as long as records are kept. In their hubris today’s judges think their illegal rulings are forward thinking. They, after all, have the benefit of two centuries of human advancement to draw upon. So why follow the dictates of a bunch of ancient ignoramuses? Forgetting, the very authority they wield is based on the writings, thoughts and constitution those ancient ignoramuses created. Undermining their own authority… and recording it. Can anything be more stupid?

History is filled with examples of US courts taking the nation away from Constitutional principles. In some pie in the sky progressive power grab. Take Wickard v Filburn. FDR and the progressive intellectuals had it with capitalism. They understood they could run it better, being so smart, wise and dog gone it, just better people than the rest of us. The darn Constitution stood in the way. So the Supreme court wiped Constitutional limits away, ruling anything that effects interstate commerce can be regulated by the federal government, no matter how tangential, inconsequential or private. Opening the way for the birth of permanent Washington, also called the bureaucracy, administrative state, and deep state. History reviles those “justices.” As it does all judges that violate their oaths.

The judgment in Korematsu was as anti American as it’s possible to be. The Supreme court went along with a Presidential edict, by FDR, that imprisoned American citizens, without warrant, charge or trial. Based purely on how they looked. That ruling has allowed the government to break every constitutional right we have, by calling it national security. Even to the point of murdering people… in the name of justice. The “justice” Thrasymachus opined about in Plato’s Republic. Where the strong take from the weak and call it just. Because the courts, controlled by the strong… say it is. Ruling based on political favor instead of law, precedent or Constitution. Then exploiting their knowledge of law, precedent and Constitution, to justify their ruling. Exactly backwards, and publicly, like in Korematsu.

The Buck v Bell eugenics case spits in the face of our Constitution. In that illustration of why Thrasymachus was right, the Supreme Court ruled a woman must undergo forced sterilization, to protect the gene pool. She was weak, the strong decided to take her ability to have children from her… and used law, precedent and power to call it justice. These laws are still on the books today. In the US the government can, at the President’s arbitrary determination, lock up whole swaths of US citizens without warrant, charge or trial. The bureaucracy can deem you a threat to the gene pool, arrest you, and force you to undergo a medical procedure designed to harm you. Government can order you to starve on your own farm. All called “just” by the supreme court. Justice as Thrasymachus described it.

As our courts gut Constitutional protections, in their ignorance and outright stupidity, they gut their own credibility. Which is why people today see courts as biased, corrupt and running contrary to their purpose, and history will record them as villains. The role of the Courts is to protect our Constitution, our Rights and limit the power of the elite. Our Thrasymachus courts have expanded the elite’s power, because judges identify with elites… not the hoi polloi. The grindstone never respects the grist. So why should the judges allow mere citizens to have rights? The grazers might get uppity. Forgetting, history has a long memory, and justice doesn’t change depending on the political favor of the defendant. Everything they rule is recorded. Proving, judges today are too stupid to know, “Always in cash and never in writing.”


John Pepin

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