The Deep State Leviathan.

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the news today isn’t about whether or not Kavanaugh groped a girl when he was seventeen, or if Trump should Fire Rosenstein or not… it is really about the struggle of a leviathan against a paladin. The leviathan will eat anyone that gets in it’s way. That propensity to destroy shows it’s lack of human heartedness. The Supreme court nominee controversy, has nothing whatsoever to do with his childhood indiscretions, it has everything to do with the power of the leviathan being directly assaulted. This the leviathan cannot stand. Rosenstein is a mere tentacle of the leviathan into the Trump administration, to listen and do evil, as it behooves the leviathan. Each news story cannot be viewed in and of itself, they all must be examined as the tentacle of a leviathan at work.

Scientists theorize that dark matter exists, not because they can see it, but because they can infer it’s existence by how it interacts with “visible” matter. Many, if not most cosmologists today believe in the existence of dark matter, because no other explanation so well explains the observed reality. The same holds true of the deep state, we can legitimately infer it’s existence by it’s effect on the observable government. Like the orbital velocity of a galaxy would blow it apart, if not for dark matter. In the land of the sane, a government that is wrong on everything and in every way, all the time, and doesn’t collapse but grows… is infested with the deep state. Only the power of a leviathan, it’s tentacles wound in everything, the government, media, culture and law, could hold it together… Occam’s razor.

The Rosenstein and Kavanaugh stories are but two of many that fill our news cycles every day. Each is the manifestation of a tentacle of the leviathan struggling with the forces of good. The people arguing for the leviathan the most vehemently, even going to the absurd lengths of driving people out of restaurants who they disagree with, could care less about Keith Ellison beating women half to death. So they don’t really care about women. They had nothing to say about Cory Booker admitting to groping women, so they don’t really care about groping, they themselves tell us it is about abortion. The modern sacrament to Moloch and Baal, today they call themselves the churches of Lucifer and Satan. The faction that resorts to violence, censorship and intimidation first, is the leviathan’s faction.

The soul can be seen in the actions of the body. “You can tell them by their actions…” so to speak. When someone does good, it infers a good soul, and when does bad, it infers a bad soul. Even though it is impossible to justify the slaughter of sixty million babies, at the hands of abortionists, the mouth pieces of the leviathan try to. I find it curious why the United States needs to be engaged in military conflict around the planet? In Tunisia, Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and many others we have no idea about. That spilling of blood is by, and for, the interests of the deep state and it’s captured political faction, the democrat party. The faction that booed God at it’s national convention is the leviathan’s, and it’s actions, judged by our knowledge of good and evil… are evil. Therefore the deep state is evil.

We can say that the deep state exists, as inferred by it’s effect on the observable government and bureaucracy, moreover, judging by it’s actions, it has mal intent. Each story in the news is framed by the deep state’s media subsidiary, the main stream media, as a red herring. Kavanaugh is not about his miscreant youth but the power of the deep state at risk. The articles about Rosenstein trying to rally a cabal of mutineers and oust Trump, has nothing to do with obstruction of justice, it is really about the deep state using another tentacle, to probe and feel the administration out. The deep state is a leviathan in the worst sense of the word. So… why would any self interested thinking person, throw in on the side of a man eating monster, against humanity? Because they know not what they do… or they are evil.


John Pepin

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