The Cult of Progressivism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me… progressivism is a cult in all but name. I was watching a documentary the other day about cults and how they brainwash people. As I watched it I realized… the democrat party does every single one of those manipulative things. The means of psychological manipulation are the very planks of the democrat platform. Like any good psychopathic cult, they avow openly, if they can’t have it, (the US) they will burn it down. As Jim Jones ordered his followers to drink poison laced Kool-Aid. Cults expect people to shut down their sense of right and wrong because it “holds them back.” Cults are subhuman and create subhumans, yet we may soon be ruled by one… except for the fatal flaw in all cults. They need a cult of personality… an oligarchy simply will not do.

Cults replace the family like the democrat party seeks to replace the family with the state. Cults demand followers mirror the leaders just as democrat brown shirts in BLM, go around to outdoor diners, forcing them by threat of violence to mimic BLM rituals and pledge fealty to BLM. Cults dress to show their allegiance as democrats wear Black uniforms and “pussy hats.” Cults have a self serving worldview, as do democrats when they say our mortal enemies are our friends, like the CCP. Democrats control speech and thought through the media and social media as do cult leaders their subjects. Democrats avow their love of us… as they whip us with regulations and taxes. The examples of where democrats and cultish behavior intersect go on and on… and I am sure you can think of others.

Cults, like the democrat party and all socialist parties if we are to be fair, rely on a charismatic leader. They create a “cult of personality” around them. Hitler was a cult of personality just as Obama was. That Biden is not a cult of personality bodes poorly for democrat chances this year, despite their manipulations, lies, hoaxes, censorship and vote fraud. For the democrat plan to work they really need a leader who can be made larger than life. Given another cult of personality, the democrats would be able to close the deal and take total power. They could move us to a one party state in a year… given the Presidency, House, Senate and a charismatic leader. Lacking the leader, a cult is like a worm without a head. It is animated but not focused. That is one problem with being a cult instead of a party.

Like all cult leaders, the democrats have avowed if they lose this election, they will burn the nation to the ground. Very progressive of them. They never accepted the results of the 2016 election, so what makes anyone think they will grow up and accept this one, if they lose? Cults are not subject to rational thinking, they run on emotion and blind faith. Manson’s sycophants knew who to kill… they didn’t have to be told. Cults cannot be reasoned with just as we see the democrat party cannot be reasoned with. They do nothing in good faith like any cult. Everything is about them and their power over the rest of us. Cults create total dependency, that is why you never see a normal person dousing themselves in gasoline and lighting a match, to make a statement… but democrats and cultists do.

Being a cult has served the democrat party well for the last few decades, but the adoption of Post modernism has allowed them to become, truly malevolent. Their followers cannot be reasoned with since they believe truth is subjective. Spouting lies, that have been long disproved, from which no amount of facts can dissuade them. Democrats are so emotionally involved with their cult they see the rise and fall of the DNC as their own. Progressives even ostracize family that are not members of the cult. The progressive’s have all their ducks in a row… except for their cult of personality. Biden is not charismatic enough to be, Kamala Harris certainly isn’t either. They are both too slimy. That is the one flaw with being a cult… you need a Raniere, Hitler, Manson, Stalin, Jones, or Mao… to really pull it off.


John Pepin

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