The American Oligarchy

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the West is ruled by an oligarchy, that oligarchy is… the new class. You will remember, if you read my articles or have a sufficient education, that Aristotle characterized the three wrong forms of government and the three right forms, as well as his perfect form. It is always best to use Aristotle’s definition of oligarchy, in the way he meant it… an oligarchy is a system of government where the upper class, (hereditary aristocracy in Aristotle’s time but could be any form the upper class takes per elitist theory), rule and rule for their own benefit rather than the benefit of all. So what I am saying is that the new class is a defacto upper class in Europe, North and South America as well as Australia and New Zealand, they rule what we call the Western World, and rule it for their own good rather than the good of mankind.

A wrong form of government is any government that rules for it’s own narrow self interest. To put it another way… the rulers are egoists. It’s easy to happen, after all something put them in the upper class to begin with, whether it was birthright, education, merit, wealth, intellect, cunning or evil, those in the upper class have an instinctual drive to look down on those not in the upper class. The more structurally separated the elite become from the hoi polloi, the more sharp the divide becomes until instead of benevolence, the elite view the unwashed masses with contempt and scorn. The elite are the smartest, most educated, and are willing to do what it takes, get blood on their hands… so why shouldn’t they run the show and run it for their own good. Who are the imbeciles, layabouts and common laborers to have a say, or even a share, let them starve, clean the gene pool anyway… becomes their mindset. Once that happens aristocratic rule, no matter who the elite are, becomes oligarchy.

Who are the new class, you might ask, and how are they a ruling elite? The new class are those with advanced college degrees. Not everyone who have college degrees agree with the politics of the new class, but in the realm of politics it is democratic, the consensus of those with advanced college degrees is what decides such matters. Your attorney, banker, accountant, run the business where you work, the woman who writes your favorite newspaper column, your governor senator and doctor, the new class are the people at the top, well, of everything. They decide what you see on television, read in the paper, what your daughter wears when she goes out and what your son listens to, they are the new class who pass our regulations in the darkness of bureaucracy, teach our children, tell our police what to do and what not to do, they decide where to send our boys and girls into battle, and what their lives should be spent on, the new class is by every definition, the modern aristocracy.

How can we tell, by the economy, they rule for themselves only and are not simply incompetent? Well, incompetence cannot instantly be ruled out, in this case however, for the most educated most powerful and most wise people, (by their own definition), be so very wrong? More likely, their incompetence is manifested in the fact they thought they could keep the loaded dice game going forever. Moreover, look at the rate of pay for CEOs, the quintessential new class citizen, compared over time to the rest of society. The exponential growth in upper management pay, mirrors an equal decrease in the pay for employees, and lowered sock performance by return on investment, is a sure sign something is wrong with businesses today. Every absurd ruling of a judge, granting a million dollars to a plaintiff who cuts himself while breaking into a home or awards a conniver a loophole in an otherwise iron clad contract… all add up to a society and culture of anger, fear and division, which feeds back into the power and wealth of the new class. To the detriment of the nation and humanity.

People with advanced college degrees tend to marry only those with advanced college degrees today, segregate themselves into gated communities and send their children to private schools, showing they have become in many ways separated from the huddled masses. which is always destructive of social cohesion. The new class is by all definitions a ruling class, as shown by the fact they run everything, and control the dissemination of information. The new class rules for it’s self interest at the cost to the rest of humanity. By all accounts and measures… the new class is an oligarchy.


John Pepin

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