What Catch Phrases always Catch

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, catch words have a way of catching those who use them. Various political factions use their own catch phrases, often to show what side they are on, sometimes to move the minds of the people to be more inclined to their side, and rarely, to say what they really mean. Because of this fact we have the ability, if we are willing to exercise our brains, to recognize both the faction and the goal of most political speakers. Since all politics has a goal… recognizing it is of paramount importance. Of course, any political speaker could exchange his or her words for the words of another faction, to confuse and pollute the catch phrases of that other faction, and it has been done to the conservative and libertarian factions to great effect. Even the lack of using catch words denotes factional affiliation. The catchword of the day is “democracy.”

Those who call the United States of America a “democracy” have an obvious agenda. Factually, the US is a Constitutional Republic, to call it a democracy is to show ignorance or lie, to pollute the minds of the people. The new class, who are the most educated in our society, call the US a democracy all the time. The media never calls the US a Constitutional Republic, our politicians, almost to the man, use the misdirection, “democracy,” as do those in academia. The most vexing people who use the term are lawyers however. Those in the legal profession have extensive training in our governmental and legal structure, they operate the strings of our republic and they control all three branches with absolute power. They also have years of training in how to make a lie appear truth and the truth appear to be a lie. You might argue they are lazy and use the term because it has become so ingrained, but do you call your daughter a son out of laziness?

The way the misdirection “democracy” has so infiltrated the minds of the American people is because the new class has been pushing it for so long. At least as long as I have been alive the media have called the US a democracy. We swim in the lie. It surrounds us like water does a fish. Our minds are carefully inculcated with the false idea the US is a democracy and so we drink it in, it soaks into our pores and sticks to us no matter if we step out of it. Today, if you ask anyone what form of government the US is they will invariably say, democracy. The very few who will give the correct answer, constitutional republic, also show their political affiliation.

Democracy according to Aristotle is one of the wrong forms of government. Aristotle said in Nicomachean Ethics, that there are three right forms, three wrong forms and one perfect form of government. The three right forms are, monarchy, aristocracy and polity. His three wrong forms are tyranny, oligarchy and democracy. His perfect form is a republic or the blending of the right forms. The reason tyranny, monarchy and democracy are wrong forms, is that they serve only the interests of the ruling faction. Tyranny only serves the king’s interests, oligarchy only serves the interests of the aristocracy and democracy only serves the interests of the majority. They also are unlimited in their power, for example, Socrates was executed by democratic edict.

Pure democracy is unlimited in it’s power, scope and reach. It is simply mob rule. In any mob the person running it has the real power. In effect becoming a tyrant. The quality of democracy, those who misname the US are trying to insinuate into the minds of the people, is that the people have unlimited power. What the really seek is unlimited power for themselves. Every mob has a boss, someone who calls the shots, tells the mob who to beat up, what to steal, what to smash and who to murder. The question that must never be asked however is, because the majority want something does that make it moral? If the majority was whipped into a frenzy of hate against you, voting to have you dragged behind a car until you are dead, would that be moral? But, but… the majority ruled, doesn’t that make it okay? Of course not! What is wrong for the individual to do is wrong for a group of individuals to do, that is a basic tenet of true morality.

Liberty on the other hand, has been purged from our political lexicon, which really says it all. The term freedom is used instead. Liberty carries with it a connotation of responsibility and cost where freedom is based on the root word free, no cost, no responsibility, no consequences. In a democracy people have freedom to be as vile, loathsome and evil as they see fit, while all the time claiming they have freedom to do it. The goal of eliminating liberty and replacing it with freedom is to create a people with no moral compass, the goal of misnaming the US as a democracy is to create mob rule with those who use the term as the mob boss, who will then tell that mob to destroy our Constitution, our liberty and anyone who stands in their way. Yes, catch phrases can tell us a lot about the motivations, goals and means of the speaker, catching them in their machinations.


John Pepin

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