The Alignment of the Arrogant

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the problem of arrogance, is that it leads to downfalls. Those who have it, are loathe to admit even to themselves, they could be wrong about anything, and so when in the company of others who are just as arrogant, their opinions, no matter how absurd, get magnified. A laser works by aligning a beam of light’s frequency and amplitude to increase its power. When the trough and peak of every photon’s waveform aligns… light becomes powerful enough to cut steel. In an echo chamber of the arrogant the same thing happens. Not only do absurd ideas face no scrutiny or skepticism, they get amplified to laser like focus, so they can do the maximum damage. The alignment of the elite can become so powerful it cuts through tradition, logic and sanity, like a laser through paper.

Arrogance gives those who have it an uncanny ability to self indulge. You can always tell when you are debating someone who is arrogant, they never reflect what you are saying, because it makes no difference to them if it is true or not. In fact, that they have not already seen it, proves it is not true. Arrogant people may have heard the old adage, “be good to the people you pass on your way up, because you never know who you will pass on your way down,” but they don’t put it into practice. Why should they? Arrogant people treat others as lessers, to be hounded, ridiculed, and paid as little as possible. Remember the reports of how the Secret Service despised Hillary Clinton and Michele Obama? Those arrogant elitists were so detested it was a punishment to be assigned to them.

People who only listen to themselves and a select community of “professionals” live in an echo chamber. Like a laser emitting ruby, that echo chamber magnifies and aligns the arrogant elite. Their fortress of solitude is enforced with impermeable walls of censorship. News organizations are silenced, as was the New York Post when it broke the Hunter Biden lap top story. You and I are censored and shadow banned. Sorry, shadow permanent suspension. Big tech doesn’t ban… it suspends permanently. That censorship protects the elite from hearing anything that might throw the cold water of reality on their utopian plans. Like the Catholic Church of Galileo’s time, they don’t want to hear anything that undermines their power, even from the Bible, as today’s elite eschew the scientific method.

Once they are aligned, they can do things that would be considered impossible before, like violate our Constitution, defrauding the electorate and surrounding themselves with a modern Praetorian Guard, all with impunity. How can anyone get a message of sanity through, when the courts, media, big tech, corporations, bureaucracy, medical community, etc… in short, the entire establishment stem to cudgel, are aligned in their echo chamber. They have become a complex system that is in a state of harmony. Like a flock of birds, no one needs to give direction, they just mindlessly follow their neighbor. The more they practice, the better they get, until they are perfectly harmonized. Once sympathetic, our Constitution is no limit, laws become arbitrary, and their paranoia makes their protection paramount.

That is where Cancel Culture comes from, it is the disintegrating laser of the hyper aligned arrogant elite, focusing on, whatever. The modern Eye Of Sauron, catching the harmonized elite’s attention is every bit as deadly, and terrifying. The havoc will continue until something disrupts the alignment. Like the collapse of our society, economy and civilization. People will think it a singular event. They will be wrong. Elitist theory says, civilizational collapses are always because of a steady destruction of the core ethos of that civilization. What I am saying here is, that destruction is caused by the hyper alignment of the elite, into a laser of civilizational obliteration. Disrupting the alignment will be hard, if not impossible, since even our elections have become perverted… but disrupt it we must.


John Pepin

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