The Age of the Double Standard

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, a real leader leads by example… while a sociopath leads by violence. This is one way to reliably tell the two apart. True leaders don’t do one thing and demand others do something else. That is not leadership. Not just today but throughout time, most of our “leaders” have in fact been slime balls, holding others to a much higher standard than themselves. Now however the progressives have elevated the double standard to an art. Government holds the people to a much higher standard of conduct than the police, judges, congresspeople, the President and especially members of the deep state. Government officials today are as above the law… as the rest of us are below it’s protections. Perhaps in the future, the age we live in now will be called… the age of the double standard.

This is not a recent problem, in Confucius’ time, the Duke of Lu asked Confucius how to stop his subjects from coveting, greed, lust and perversion, Confucius replied the Duke could lead by example and stop doing those things himself. Shortly after… Confucius and his disciples had to flee Lu state. The way Cyrus the great was discovered, was by the fact he was playing king and ordered an aristocrat’s son beaten. Since only a member of the aristocracy were so double-dealing, it was discovered Cyrus was in fact, the heir to the throne of Persia. History is full of examples of leaders leading by violence to keep the people from following them into vice. Today however, the elite are so bold and comfortable in their power, they openly pursue a double standard for all to see.

The elite today have no shame at all, they openly engage in insider trading even as they send citizens to jail for it, which is certainly not leading by example. When the government lies to you, it is politics, but when you lie to the government, it is a felony. When government passes thought laws that only apply to certain segments of the population the double standard cannot be denied. Especially when the party in power colludes with foreigners, to indict the other party for colluding with foreigners… and everyone knows it, but the media, deep state and law enforcement focus on the victim and not the perpetrator. If a political leader today did lead by example, he or she would be crucified by the media that calls itself unbiased and prosecuted by the deep state for highlighting their villainy.

One negative effect of a double standard is that crime becomes endemic. Why should you and I follow laws that those who passed them don’t? The only reason is the threat of punishment, punishment that the elite are immune to. This can be illustrated by the effects of progressivism in Detroit, Baltimore, Chicago, etc… they were at one time nice places to live, until progressives took them over. Now, due to the blatant double standard and corrupt leadership, they are not even nice places to visit. Europe was fairly crime free until it fell under the spell of progressivism. Today Europe is a hell hole that is speeding rapidly into genocide, poverty, violence and religious wars. Clearly, those who have no fear of government violence, must break the laws… they are just following their leaders.

Raising the double standard to an art is an amazingly diabolical act. Leading by example is much harder than leading by violence. Why should a member of the elite not rape little children? They certainly will not be held to account for it… like in Rotherham, Parliament or the many unreported scandals by the elite in the US. The more deranged and self absorbed the elite become the more the double standard grows. Lacking shame is pretty handy, when it comes to doing that which you forbid others to do, by threat of violence. Another quality of those who lack shame is sociopathy. Of course, sociopaths are the most likely to seek power to abuse, and so sociopaths are over represented in government. Obviously, a sociopath will never lead by example… always by force of violence. So, welcome to the age of the double standard.


John Pepin

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