Dear Friends,
It seems to me, we have to come to grips with the fact, progressives care nothing about the people… only power. Every position they take is against individual liberty, humanity and God. They talk a good game about “fairness” and “social justice,” but those are simply Orwellian newspeak terms, where “fairness” requires government to be unfair, and “social Justice” requires injustice. Power is their reason de etre’, it is the warp and the woof of their existence, motivating them to get up in the morning. Progressives embody Thrasymachus’ “great men.” Manipulating people into self harm, by calling evil good and good evil, they have no morality other than the acquisition and use of power. Once, and only when we truly understand this, can we fight their machinations effectively.
The first thing we must do is wrest back the education system. There is almost universal agreement a voucher system would drastically improve the quality of education in the US. A voucher system, is one where public taxes would be distributed to parents as a voucher, so the parents could choose the school that best suits their children. This would allow smaller specialty schools to open and a vast number of experiments to take place in education. Obviously innovation would, as it always does, improve the quality and quantity while lowering the cost. Progressives argue against it, and indeed would die on this issue, because without indoctrination, almost everyone would embrace Enlightenment values rather than a return to the Rights of Kings. We have to be taught to be good little socialist citizens.
Does anyone really thing progressives want to get rid of the electoral college… out of fairness! What a joke! Probably they do want to get rid of a founding principle to make elections more fair! The exact opposite is true and everyone knows it. Especially progressives. Being so blindly ambitious they care nothing for the negative consequences for the democratic element of our Republic. The internal stresses, of having the productive faction of our nation placed under the jack boot of the left coasts, would trigger violence. In Orwell’s Animal Farm, what happened to the horse? Unlike in 1920’s Russia, in America… the horse has sharp teeth. Disenfranchising Middle America might lead to democratic hegemony of the President, but could lead to civil war… and only a psychopath would want that.
The erosion of journalistic liberty is alarming. As new class progressive “journalists” destroy their reputations by lying, and remaining silent as real journalists, people who tell the people what our government is really up to, the actual role of a journalist, Julian Assange is being tried for espionage and faces life in prison. Progressives were silent when Obama targeted Fox news reporters then, lately they are silent as Tommy Robinson was imprisoned for exposing Rape Gangs!!! Rape Gangs had more protection from having their horrific crimes revealed, (because their crimes lead directly to Parliament), than he has to free speech! Even as the Elected “representatives” in the West, decry very real Russian transgressions against freedom of speech, three fingers point back at them.
Every progressive position, is one that is at odds with the best interests of humanity and the nation, but align perfectly with progressive’s ambitions. They are willing to create internal tensions by disenfranchising eighty percent of the nation for absolute power. We pour more and more money into our government monopoly education system, and it turns out children unable to read and comprehend a face clock, cursive or an news paper, they are not taught a word about Mao’s famines, rebuilding an engine, philosophy or profit loss statements. Progressives defend Rape gangs, even as they claim there is a war on women, to rally women to them. Every position progressives take is to enhance their political power… the nation and humanity be damned, so they can be the kings they see themselves as.
John Pepin