Tag Archives: despotic government

Censorship And The Despotic State

Dear Friends, It seems to me, speech laws forcing speech or forbidding speech, are the direct manifestations of the tyrannical power of a despotic state. Once the State can censor and force speech it has become unlimited. An elitist may … Continue reading

Posted in International Power, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

How the Present Predicts the Future

Dear Friends, It seems to me, by looking at someone’s present actions, we can predict their future. This is no secret, people have been doing this since humans started walking, but it is a truth lost on many. If a … Continue reading

Posted in economy, Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, polictics of class envy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Shall Not Be Infringed

Dear Friends, It seems to me, guns are the most regulated tools in the United States, despite the clear prohibition against gun regulation in the United States Constitution. The Second Amendment of the US Constitution states, “A well regulated Militia, … Continue reading

Posted in Group Politics, Judicial Sysytem, Law, media, Mercy, philosophy, Societal Myth | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment