Religion, Atheism and Skepticism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, at one time scripture was looked upon without skepticism, now everything in it must be proven beyond a shadow of a doubt else it is discounted, but… shouldn’t there be a golden mean between the two extremes? Where we accept the Bible with healthy skepticism but without open animosity. Wouldn’t that be the more rational, mature and open minded approach? Apply skepticism to both sides? Our children are proselytized in the State’s established religion… atheism, by the administrative state’s monopoly school system. Today, people think it’s smart to say, “I don’t believe anything that has not been scientifically proven…” Then use that statement to justify their belief in atheism. When atheism is a notion based on hatred of God and nothing else.

Hatred is a powerful emotion and as such is an effective tool for manipulation. Get someone to hate, even one they would otherwise love (like God, the Holy Spirit and Jesus) and you can manipulate them into murdering their best friend. Hatred of the good and love of evil, is accomplished by calling good evil and evil good. A strategy we see in the media all day every day. The elite call grooming children by sexual predators, a good thing, and parents terrorists, for opposing the manipulation of their children into self harm. No wonder the truth burns the elite’s eyes nose and throats. They claim “science” has proven God doesn’t exist. When that is the opposite of the truth. Science has proven no such thing. It is like saying that the existence of saddles proves horses need not exist.

That the US has established a State religion is a direct violation of the First Amendment, by perverting the language into its opposite. To this line of argumentation the progressive will claim with a straight face that atheism is not a religion. It is the only line of reasoning where they don’t have to admit they are liars, devils and Satan worshipers. Obviously they know they are lying, and what they serve, but that is why they apply unwarranted skepticism to God and his works. While rejecting any skepticism of their claims. Atheism is a sect of Satanism as is Lucifarianism. It is not a religion that seeks to elevate mankind but to lower us. If atheism is based on “science” and reason, why are the adherents so emotional about it? Rational, logical and scientific discourse is never emotional… religious zealots are.

You have to ask yourself, “Why is it such big news, every time archaeologists find new proof the Bible is correct?” Recently archaeologists have found a curse tablet in the Holy land, that pushes back the time the Jews had a written language, by thousands of years. Once again proving the Bible historically accurate. To the consternation of the Lucifarian elite. You know why it is such big news when another facet of the Bible is proven correct? Because the elite do archaeology with an eye to disprove the Bible. Which only further discredits their position when they prove it true. Because the best witness is a hostile witness that verifies your testimony. I bet there is much archaeology that has been hidden by the elite to protect their atheism. We are told lies to distance us from God.

The problem with biblical skeptics is that their skepticism is a single edged sword. It only cuts one way. Some would say the same of the religious and in many cases they wouldn’t be wrong. The golden mean would be to maintain skepticism of all claims, be they in line with our wants, or not. Discounting the statements of historical figures is as arrogant as it gets. It is someone ignorant telling a witness they didn’t see what they saw. The atheists elite use skepticism as a weapon not a tool for truth. They claim the high ground by their skepticism of God’s works, rejecting any skepticism of their lies, as zealotry. How do I know the elite are lying when they claim God doesn’t exist? Because they are proven liars, like their master… Lucifer, the prince of lies.


John Pepin

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