Regulation, Licensing and Corporatism

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the idea of regulation, licensing and other means of government oversight, sound good in theory but in practice, result in the opposite of what we are told they would. In fact, they all inevitably lead to corporatism. Anyone who has read my articles in the past know I am not a big fan of corporatism. Not just because it is how Goebbels described the National Socialist system, or that it is the globalist plan but because, pragmatically, it results in a bad outcome for everyone… but the elite. The problem with regulation, is that instead of leveling the playing field, it always gives a politically favored player an upper hand. Licensing is another barrier to entry that is controlled by gatekeepers. Ideally, to keep dangerous frauds out of the marketplace, in reality, to foster progressive corporatism.

The idea of licensing, to keep bad actors out of the marketplace, is noble but foolhardy. If history teaches us anything, it is that high barriers to entry don’t keep out bad actors, but allow them to display their credentials as they defraud. Else how could Bernie Madoff, Enron and the past Pfiser scandals happen? The 2008 financial crisis occured in the most regulated industry on the planet. Far from saving people from frauds, licensing, regulation and an increasingly litigious society protects the powerful criminals while keeping innovation, competition and the work load low. All the corporatist need do is lobby congress for legislation. Lastly, look at the train wreck of the CDC, NIH and WHO’s response to the covid pandemic. Banning Ivermectin and Hydroxy alone probably killed millions.

Licensing elevates book learning above hands on tutoring. They create an elite that is established, not by merit, but by credentials. Those at the top of the guild hierarchy, are not necessarily the most accomplished, they are usually the most lettered. As lettering becomes ever more important actual skill becomes less. As with Fauci. You see this in the fact some of the best plumbers, electricians and entrepreneurs have only minimal credentials, but years of practice. Imagine how quickly we would face famine if the government established a licensing procedure to grow food? A prerequisite to licensing could be a doctorate in botany. Don’t laugh too loud, it could happen. If it did, the US would collapse as a food producing nation. Since this is so about farming, how much more so about everything else?

Regulations cannot be used as they are billed because of human nature. We are not capable of self regulating, policing or prosecuting… if we have a stake in the outcome. Those who pass regulations, in this same way, have a stake in the outcome, and it is not the betterment of mankind. Their stake is making money, amassing power and gathering political allies. Those who pass regulations are also by definition, the elite, and it is easy to get an elite to think he or she is smarter, wiser and heck, just dog gone better, than the masses they regulate. As a result, regulations are never done to benefit the hoi polloi, who don’t deserve the beneficence of the bureaucratic elite in the first place, but to satisfy some want of the elite themselves, the justification an afterthought.

Even as the elite call for ever more regulation, licensing and oversight of the economy, they mislabel (or lie) calling a corporatist system… free enterprise. Our corporatist masters, melding government, media and corporations, like Google, Facebook and Twitter, (propagandists and censors) work hand in hand with government actors to create the fear, confusion and mistrust, that can mutate our system of limited federal government, to a global unlimited corporatist one. Instead of national socialist, it will be global socialist… very progressive. Judging by what we can see, the elite are mostly all on board with the transformation, since they are so willing to lie, cheat and steal to get it. Looks like the national socialists won the war after all… it just took a few decades for their fifth column to get it done.


John Pepin

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