Rectifying Language Rectifies Thinking

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, when we are confronted with new words and terms, it behooves us to examine not only what they signify, (what they really mean), and why they were created in the first place. Many times new words are created for nefarious reasons. They are changed often to muddy a conversation, misdirect, or to pollute an idea. This is the problem with accepting new words without thinking. They become mind traps. Our thinking is changed subtly in a direction that is almost never in our best interests. Some new words are necessary, they incorporate new ideas into the lexicon and thus expand our minds to include new ideas and philosophies. New ways of thinking about the world. These are good additions, sadly, most are not new ideas but ways to manipulate us into self harm.

Every year many new words are added to the dictionary. This is the natural growth of a living organic language. Latin no longer has words added to it. We must embrace that growth. Not all growth is good growth though. You have to prune trees in winter else they will often strangle themselves. People get warts, cancer and goiters that are unwanted growths. The reality is, it is up to us to control our language’s growth. If it becomes dangerous, then we need to cut that growth off. Like words that only exist to manipulate people, harm society and directionalize. Words and terms like, “Critical Race Theory,” meaning systemic racism, war, relabeled as “kinetic operations,” and “dreamers,” or in other words, politically useful illegal aliens, are meant to confuse, redirect and make evil appear good.

We think in words, pictures and intuitively. If any one of these mechanisms is manipulated from the outside our very essence is manipulated as well. If you can insert your code into the basic operating system of anything, you can run it, that is hacking 101. The brain is different from a computer but the same. Our operating systems run on our primary language. I wrote an article about this once. That language largely influences how we think, our attitudes and how we look at the world. Our language is our Bacon’s cave. Since the progressive’s long march through our institutions, they control the language with their vassals in the media, academia and popular culture. That is how they insert their code into our brains. We unconsciously accept all their premises without a thought.

We are not passive in the creation of new words, not at all, we are actively participating in the organic growth of the language. At least in English and other languages that are emergent complex phenomenon. Top down languages that are set by committee, like Spanish, started organically, arising from the complex system of humanity, then fell under the control of a self appointed committee of language autocrats. Who, obviously, have the ability to insert their code at will, while denying others that ability, very progressive. Those of us who live in nations with languages that are still organic have the ability to insert code into the zeitgeist. We also have the capability to delete words and terms from it as well. We are the coders of our own language. If we use that super power.

Let’s consider our language, test new words, weigh their merit and boycott words that make us weak. Create new words that serve to sharpen ideas, not dull them, and imagine new ideas that lead to peace, prosperity and human heartedness. First we have to break out of their imposed premises. Stop using and thinking in their terms. Replace class theory with elitist theory, multicultural with merit and equity with equality. Their words create a preordained mindset in us, one where they have already won the debate, all we need do is play out history. Instead, ridicule their terms, ideas and words. Present them as the manipulations they are. By creating our own words, ideas and terms, that mock theirs and get our ideas and philosophy out there. Rectifying language rectifies thinking.


John Pepin

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