Progressive Brilliance!

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, progressives have elevated the art of spurious logic to stratospheric highs, surpassing even the Greek Sophists and Rhetoricians. You have to admit their ability to twist the truth in to a lie and a lie into the truth is remarkable. It takes a special kind of mind, to be able to convince people their eyes are lying, and the used car salesman is telling the truth. Progressives have done it. They have managed to make up down, right left and inside out. One wonders if they have had help of a diabolical nature, nevertheless, I take my hat off to them, their achievement is second to none! Progressives truly are the best schemers on the planet and throughout time.

Progressives have convinced the people of Europe to commit suicide in the name of tolerance. It is amazing that people, in Rotherham for example, are willing to let their daughters be raped and sold into the sex slave business for decades and anyone who said anything, was arrested… and they accepted it! In fact even with Sweden becoming the rape capital of Europe, daily terrorist attacks and open calls for the annihilation of Western civilization, the people of Europe are embracing their own extermination and offering their children up as well. I cannot imagine how anyone could accomplish such a feat of chicanery.

They have managed to make many people believe that killing a baby is a choice. Not just the slaughter of over 60 million babies since 1973, but to have people so spellbound they accept with glee the torturing babies to death so their pieces parts can be sold at a greater profit, is just awe inspiring. How does one go about making killing a baby not just allowed but the best option? You would think anyone with brains enough to keep their heart beating, would know better but against the power of progressive spurious logic, most minds just wither away.

It must have been a genius that made so many believe that “shall not be infringed,” means “Must be regulated!” Not just that but to make people believe that an amendment to our Constitution in the bill of Rights… is to allow government to keep and bare arms, is pure brilliance! Imagine it, now the Bill of Rights is to protect government’s rights, instead of individual rights! Up is down and left is right in the new world order. They have connived to get weapons in the hands of criminals, and out of the hands of law abiding citizens… supposedly to protect the law abiding citizens!!

Imagine how hard it must have been to fool us into thinking socialism has never been tried after tens of millions of people have died under socialist regimes. With the weight of history against them it is a real achievement. I always loved the line, “who are you going to believe, me or your lying eyes?” Or in the case of socialism and history, “who are you going to believe, the progressives… or Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Maduro, Kim Un, Idi Amin, Lenin, or any of the dozens of other Marxists that slaughtered their way through whole populations? To manage to fool so many into embracing an ideology that has resulted in so many deaths, suffering and tragedy, is the act of a true master of deception!

Spurious logic means, to make an argument that sounds logical but is in fact illogical and meant to trick. The ancient Greeks called it sophistry. The use of which is an art. I would think it difficult to make a person act directly against their own interests, but progressives have managed to do it. I should imagine it impossible to get people to allow their very own daughters to be abused in the name of tolerance but Europe has embraced it. You would think it hopeless to deceive people into disarming themselves so the criminals who prey on them will be safer, but like the woman said, No mother wants to worry her son might get killed robbing a liqueur store! I cannot imagine how progressives have hidden the history of socialism so well that many educated people want to visit that suffering on themselves and their children. You have to hand it to progressives, their ability to get people to harm themselves is almost mephistophelian. Makes one wonder if they have supernatural help…


John Pepin

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