
Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if you believe that the push for gun control and the spate of mass shootings are unrelated, I have some tranquil seafront property on the Moon to sell you. For the first time, gangland shootings are included in the “mass shooting” category. It used to be that when the Reds would blast some Greens in a drive by, the media would pretend it didn’t happen. Today, now that it serves the elite’s agenda, (to disarm the peasants before oppressing us), such shootings are reported as mass shootings. It is almost as if the media is trying to manipulate us, into being terrified of the unlikely event we get caught in a mass shooting, and so we are willing to disarm good people to protect armed bad people. Now that is an epic example of manipulating people into self harm… very progressive!

I find it exhilarating how the news always reflects the narrative that backs the elite’s agenda. Now that the elite are trying to disarm the people, the news is full of mass shootings. Later, it will be a racist cop shoots an innocent teen, who is target practicing with a Mac 10 from his Dodge Charger on 7th and Fairway. The video shows the teen was only shooting at garbage cans. Perhaps next week the media will be full of stories about how election integrity is a racist construct to disenfranchise the dead. Then, I am sure the plight of the illegal alien will be the focus of every news story, when the drive is on to make them voting citizens. This push pull keeps us off our feet. We don’t get to deal with one before we are assaulted by another “crisis. Which serves to disempower us and empower the elite.

When the elite wanted racial strife, they got it… the George Floyd death came at just the right time. Now that “racist” cop will go to prison where all cops belong. I hate to throw cold water on a party, well, that’s not entirely true, I do like throwing cold water on foolishness, but… wouldn’t it better serve the cause of eliminating “structural racism,” by criminally charging the politicians and bureaucrats who created the policy, of kneeling on a person’s neck to control a suspect? If eliminating structural problems is the goal. Then eliminate the structural problems. That is not the case however. The elite don’t want to eliminate structural racism, why would they do that, when it serves them so well? Heck… they want to create it where it doesn’t exist. No carpenter would throw away their tool box.

When they sought war with Syria, the news was full of the chemical attacks on civilians, that turned out to be false flags… who could have predicted that! Today, the main stream media lies more than they tell the truth. They cannot help themselves. In fact, almost everything they say is exactly backwards in some way or another. Lies by omission, misdirection and bold faced lies are the norm today. Goebbels would be abashed by our “journalists.” To list a microscopic number of the media’s lies of late… the Russian collusion hoax, the chemical weapon attack hoax, the Hunter Biden laptop cover up, the Russian bounty on our troops hoax, ignoring of the BLM riots, the widespread destruction and calling the Nov 6 protests an insurrection, are just a few of the media’s bold faced lies.

It is almost as if the media is a propaganda tool of the administrative state. Which must be mere conspiracy theory. Just because something is obvious, provable and self evident, that doesn’t make it true. What makes a thing true is if the media tells us it is. Truth is subjective now, not objective, we have evolved beyond that. Who are you to say a man didn’t self strangle while in custody, with paper sheets, so violently he broke bones in his neck, while the camera malfunctioned at both ends of the hallway, and the guards fell asleep from guzzling high test coffee,.. just because that death was very convenient to our pedophile elite? That is the story the media is selling… and you are buying. Just keep believing in the fairy tales the media tells you. They don’t call it programming for nothing.


John Pepin

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