Power Or People… The Choice Says It All

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, the Chinese Communist Party, (CCP) had a choice to make in 1989… and they made it. The choice was to improve the lot of the Chinese people or hold their despotic power. They chose tyrannical power… over an increase in the prosperity, health and social welfare of the people. Since then, the CCP has chosen power over people, at every turn. Which can only lead to one conclusion, the CCP and indeed all factions of that ilk, are about power, not improving the lot of Mankind. If that was not already obvious, from the crimes against humanity every “socialist” party has been guilty of, since Marx. Like all such factions, the CCP has no humanity, it only cares about oppressing humanity. Yet we in the West are being inculcated to embrace communism in all its atrocities.

Marx said, “If the people will not embrace the revolution, replace the people.” That is not a statement of someone who wants to serve the people, that is a statement of someone who wants the people to serve him. There has not been a single communist or socialist party that hasn’t done just that. Why do you think the body counts in those regimes are so astronomically high? They have to do something with the people they are replacing. Mao, it used to be said, murdered 45 million by artificial famine, now the number appears closer to 100 million, starved to death. Is this the action of someone who serves humanity, or of a monster who expects humanity to serve him? Like the pigs in Orwell’s Animal Farm, a book that used to be required reading, that I am sure is absent in school libraries today.

That mentality, one of control over others, pervades the minds of every socialist, progressive and communist. They claim to help the poor and downtrodden, but when in power, they weaponize law, politics and culture, against their political enemies, plow up the road in front of the economy and thus create more poor and downtrodden. If they cannot create them, they will import the impoverished, to have a ready supply of voters, angry peasants and dependents. They epitomize Thrasymachus’ “great men,” psychopaths who seek rule, and will use any means to get it. It matters not the people they oppress… only that they get to oppress. That is one reason they are happy to replace the people. Because socialism is not about people power, but despotic political power, for elite psychopaths.

The lie the progressives, socialists and communists shill… is that they will make everyone’s life happy. Happy eating bugs, living in a casket and rutting like a rabbit. They think we are so stupid we will chase the life of a beast and forgo the life of a Man. A draft animal needs no liberty, has no agency or ideas. No human being wants to live like that, yet, that is what we trade for their utopia. Moreover, those of us unwilling to embrace the life of a hog, must be dealt with. History shows us how they deal with us…. with mass graves. Of course it might be different this time. Despite their rhetoric, ideals and psychopathic nature, identical to Pol Pot’s. Who was also an elitist, educated at the Sorbonne in France, his erudition was impeccable. Like Kamala, Trudeau and Xi.

The CCP and the elitists in the West today are peas from a pod. Their detesting of the deplorables they are supposed to serve is a uniting theme. Never satisfied with merely ruining the lives of the people under their malevolent control, they crave ever more people, for their realm of ruin. If poverty suits them, they will sow poverty, if chaos suits them, they will create chaos, and if order suits them, they will clamp down with social credit scores, surveillance and organ harvesting. The CCP enforces it with the secret state police apparatus, or Geheime staaz-policei, (Gestapo) in German, and Western Progressive elitists enforce it with the main stream media, Twitter mob and rioters, or Sturmabteilung, (SA) in German. Proving one thing, the only time they serve us, is with a tennis racket.


John Pepin

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