Pathological Corporate Governance

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, it is time for every owner of stock to write a letter to the firms we own, ordering them to engage in business, not politics. What is the role of a publicly traded corporation? A liberal might say it is to be a good neighbor, a conservative might say it is to earn money for the shareholders. A corporation that doesn’t make money is soon in bankruptcy, and poisoning customers is not a winning business strategy. The answer then is that corporations must make money and they must be good neighbors. To neither make money, or be a good neighbor, is to swindle the shareholders of our hard earned money. Which is the crime of fraud. Making us all the victims of fraud, shareholders, employees and customers. Shouldn’t we put a stop to it?

Why on Earth are corporations sending money to BLM? BLM, an openly Marxist, anti American, anti family organization that calls for violence, is not an organization that I would think deserves support, let alone hundreds of millions of dollars. Footlocker, for example, is said to have given BLM 100 million dollars. For that “wise” investment, BLM rioters looted a Footlocker the other night. Amazon also gave a ton of money to BLM. Now, that could be called an investment, because BLM is obliterating small businesses that compete with Amazon, thus increasing Amazon’s market share, Psychopathic, but effective. Coca Cola just took an unambiguously racist position in their, “Be less white.” employee diversity campaign. Burning to the ground a billion dollar trademark.

I cannot fathom how using corporate funds to stop election integrity laws serves the shareholders? Is it somehow in our interests to live in a despotism? Is that why you invest your hard earned money, to enslave your children to psychopaths? Not me, but then again… I am not very progressive. I have thought about it, and even in the most pathological sense, it doesn’t make sense. Because even the corporations themselves will be destroyed. It is like feeding a small alligator growing it up to eat you. Yet here we are. Some of our largest companies are fighting any attempt at election integrity. It is like our corporate leaders have fallen victim to brain controlling worms from planet X. Because they are wasting millions of dollars, destroying brands, and alienating shareholders, to establish a tyranny.

Corporate leaders are embracing CCP talking points. Those brain controlling worms must be pretty effective, because after giving the Chinese Communist Party the corporate secrets they were duty bound to protect, they are now puking up CCP propaganda. Of course, their actions can be explained without the need for Stargate Goa’uld, in that they could have been bribed. Even if they have been bribed, you would think that self preservation would kick in at some point. Unless they have an exit strategy for the planet, when it falls under CCP (Gangnam style) despotism, a world they have worked tirelessly to create. They are so bought and paid for, else have brain worms, that they don’t even know they serve at the suffrage of the share holders, you know, the people they are screwing.

What the hell are they doing in those corporate offices… LSD? It is time for shareholders of every rank, no matter how few shares you hold, to write letters to the companies WE OWN, and tell them, in no uncertain terms, we do not approve. Lets start casting around for better corporate leadership. We pay them handsomely to run the companies we own… just not into the ground, How many vacations, toys and distractions did you go without, so the executives can give that money to BLM, echo CCP talking points and fight election integrity? We go without so we can retire, get ahead and be self sufficient. It is up to you, do you like the path we are on? If you want to change it, all you need do is write a letter or two. Don’t whine that “it won’t work,” until you have tried it. That is a cop out and you know it.


John Pepin

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