Our Times… Brought To Us By

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, what we’re living through… is people without a whit of self awareness, utterly stupid, without principle, inept, who stole an election to gain power, who think they’re the smartest people who ever lived… having and abusing political power. That would be bad enough, if it stopped there… but it doesn’t. The courts have become crooked as a spring and everyone knows it. No one, on either side of the political isle, thinks the courts are anything but political. Primarily controlled by the progressive faction. Law be damned it doesn’t belong in an American court. So we have a system utterly corrupted, top to bottom, with the checks on corruption themselves the source of the corruption. The solution is to send people to prison for abusing their authority…. not world war.

How do we know the courts are political? Because of the huge political fights over the nominees. If the courts followed the laws, the fight would be over the laws, but everyone knows they don’t. So the fight is over who will have the authority to abuse their power for political gain. Politics is now a means to get your faction’s judge a seat on the Court. Since all the real ruling is now done from there. Think about it, if judges strictly followed the laws, as written and intended, there would be no need to fight over judicial nominees. Prestige would be the only reason and is not sufficient for a politician to self immolate over, politically. Though, even a cursory look at the way judges adjudicate their cases, proves beyond a doubt, the political nature of the courts.

Do you believe people who are intelligent, self aware and thoughtful, would burn down a system that’s worked for two centuries and resulted in the greatest period of economic, technical and scientific advancement in the thousands of years of human history? To go back to the system that failed for thousands of years before, the prerogative of kings. They believe that although oligarchy has never worked in the millennia of recorded human history, it’ll work this time… because they’re the oligarchs. Could there be more stupid, un-self aware and ill conceived people? Proving them mini wits. Then again, we could look at the way they comport themselves. Senators, judges and representatives drunk in public isn’t a one off, it’s common. Our elites combine stupid and corrupt in an explosive mixture.

So the very checks and balances have become so corrupted, instead of checking corruption and balancing political interests, the courts have become the source of the problem. Because of the stupidity, lack of self awareness and immorality of the pool of elite from which they’re chosen. That’s how you get courts that claim they can’t adjudicate politically charged cases, because of standing, latches, mootness or ripeness. Anything that could expose the corruption of the system has to be hidden. Even as the Right to trial is denied Alex Jones. Only fools of the highest order would be so stupid to sully the name of the court system. The source of their authority and the reason people look up to the scum. Poop in your water well all you want, no way that could go wrong, or so they think.

Political courts, coupled with corrupt and stupid politicians, no wonder the world is melting down. Pretty soon… literally. The economy is in dire shape proved by the yield curve. We’re now in a two fronted war, caused by the advancement of NATO towards Russia, and supporting a terrorist organization thinking they’ll like us… like Hamas, and the CCP. Home sales are plummeting across the nation even as crime skyrockets. Prosecutors aren’t interested in controlling property or violent crime, their too busy trying political and thought crimes. Which has brought us the times we are living through. Tough times, brought to us by corrupt, foolish elites lacking any self awareness whatsoever. If the nukes don’t fly before we pry them out of power, and into prison, we can only thank God himself.


John Pepin

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