Our New Kangaroo Court, The US House of Representatives.

Dear Friends,

I predict, now that the democrats appear to have won the House, that legislative body will now turn it’s attention to becoming a Kangaroo court. All day every day will be a constant investigation into Trump. Cheered on by the media that calls itself unbiased, the kangaroo court will last the next two years, turning that half of the legislative branch into a defacto, judicial. We will have to wait and see where the political optics aim. At the very least, the democrats will be able to hinder any investigation into the crimes of the Obama White House, against the Republican party, Trump and the American people. The House kangaroo court will investigate every action of Trump, from brushing his teeth to deciding what foreign trips to make, as a crime, with the assumption of guilt at the outset.

The democrats have made no secret that they will impeach Trump the moment they get the ability to do it. Their unhinged reaction since, has proven there is not a bridge they will not cross then turn around a burn behind them, to destroy the man. The media that calls itself unbiased is no better. The looks on the faces of the reporters the night Trump won told the whole story. Would someone unbiased, freak out, start screaming “this is where we are now,” and even break down and cry over an election? Historians will look back at the reactions of the democrats, and the progressive faction as a whole, and will deem them, a rational response to the very real threat of their illegal activities being discovered. Any animal that believes itself cornered, no matter if it is cornered because of it’s own hubris, will act the same.

Democrats will undermine Trump as they did Bush, hindering legislation, to forestall or mitigate, the effects of a coming recession. In fact, it is likely they will pass legislation intended to greatly magnify the consequences of an economic downturn. So they can blame it on Trump and his policies. Thus smearing cuts in taxes and regulation as recessionary. Here, at the end of the longest economic expansion in history, the inevitable recession will be blamed on Trump, not macro economics. The kangaroo court will dutifully investigate why Trump intentionally made the economy go into recession. The MSM will demand the House go further and bring criminal charges. The nation then can debate whether or not the House can criminally charge the President with bringing on a recession.

Like Hillary Clinton said, “no civility until we win…” and she means it. I do suspect though, that the civility part will not kick in, even though they have won a small victory. Instead I believe retributions will now take place. The House will use it’s newfound role as kangaroo court overseer to investigate those who they have a grudge against. Power, in the hands of people that openly call their fellow Americans deplorables, and declare they have no intention of being civil, admitting they are not civilized, is just stupid. So, we have the House being controlled by people, that openly admit to being barbarians, who will exploit it’s powers to investigate, to destroy people they deem enemies. No way that could go terribly wrong.

The possibly good thing that could happen, is that the congress will go into deadlock and no legislation at all will be passed, and so no encroachments on our liberties will be taken for two years. That in and of itself would be a benefit. Sadly, as Marius and Sulla destroyed Roman civility and fraternity, psychotic progressive Sullas are openly seeking their Marius, ratcheting up the tensions to squeeze him out. That psychotic faction now has the House, and will exploit it to the best of their ability, to sow chaos, anger, economic hardship and partisanship, with the goal of internecine war. The means the psychotic faction will use, to turn the House to it’s own ends, will be a kangaroo court of convenience. Creating a mess they can blame on Trump, to get revenge, like the churls they admit to being.


John Pepin

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