Our Marius and Sulla Moment is Near

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, we in the US are rapidly approaching our Marius and Sulla moment. Marius was a Roman statesman of the Patrician class and Sulla was a People’s tribune. They each formed factions within the Senate. Marius was the leader of the conservative and Sulla the progressive faction. The acrimony became so hateful that Marius marched hundreds of Sulla’s supporters into the Forum and had them killed. The Roman’s outraged reaction put Sulla in charge… who promptly slaughtered his way through Marius’ faction. That suicidal filial fighting led to the elimination of much of Rome’s best genes. For decades Roman’s would have to live abroad to survive the factional fighting… even if they were not partisans. The whole thing led to Rome’s downfall.

The rise of the First Triumvirate and finally Caesar’s crossing the Rubicon with his legion, was all because those two factions could not engage as adults, but only as homicidal children. Rome’s fate was sealed when Caesar beat Pompi. Brutus and his cabal tried in vane to restore Rome to a republic, but no one would go back there, the violence was too great. Better to be ruled by a hedonistic dictator rather than revolving mass murderers. Like Cuomo. So Rome abandoned the republican system forever. Which of course led to it’s complete destruction and the Dark Ages. Why tell you this story? Because it is a cautionary tale, of what happens when a great republic abandons it’s founding principles, and civil discourse, for progressive principles, and violence as the arbiter of truth.

I warned that the Bubba Effect was going to happen… and it has. Bubba picks up a gun and defends his locality. To stop the chaos due to democrat mayors ordering their police to stand down in the face of violence. A common tactic of leftists since at least Benghazi. Here is a tidbit of information I bet you don’t know. When a business is looted, burned or otherwise destroyed by rioters… insurance doesn’t cover the damages! Small business owners have to suck it up. In the absence of police protection some self interested small business owners have asked people to help defend their businesses. When they have, the same prosecutors who refuse to prosecute violent rioters, vindictively charge the defenders criminally. Showing democrats have abandoned our founding principles and even civility itself.

Every Marxist revolution that has ever taken place, has been led by disaffected intellectuals and soldiered by the poor, ignorant, hopeless, and mercenaries where the money is available. Moreover, a communist or socialist revolution is really a class war of subjugation. In this case it is led by the intellectuals and soldiered by sociopaths and mercenaries. Almost certainly paid for by George Soros, other Lucifarians and billionaire progressives. This class war is the uber rich against everyone else. They have had enough of our shenanigans. It is time they took control overtly, so they don’t have to worry about the Epstein’s of the world getting caught, and having to suicide them. They want to be able to molest children in public tomorrow… as they feed Moloch in public today.

The factional fighting around us may not be history repeating itself, but it is definitely an echo. That the progressive faction has abandoned our founding principles and civility itself, for self serving ones, is exactly where Marius and Sulla were. Whenever people are unwilling to negotiate, but instead must have total arbitrary power, any disagreement has to devolve to violence. Unreasonable people cannot be reasoned with. From here, if we take Rome’s history as a cautionary tale, and apply those lessons to the US, and indeed Europe and Australia as well, clearly, the path we are on leads to Hell itself. Knowing that, doesn’t it make sense to take a different path? Maybe return to founding principles and civility? Else we will lose everything and plunge the world into another thousand year Dark Age.


John Pepin

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