On The US, EU and NATO’s Involvement in Ukraine

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, if the politicians in the US want to see how quickly the American people can go from a blue, to a white heat, all they need do is get involved in Ukraine. The American people are sick and tired of foreign wars. With Afghanistan fresh on our minds with thousands of men and women wounded and killed in the war to defeat the Taliban. Then Biden gave Afghanistan to them on a platter, with 80 billion in weapons, as a parting gift. Showing us what the elite think of our kids. Even as there is zero accountability for the disaster, with some say ten thousand plus US citizens still trapped there, the elite want to get us involved in a war with Russia? How stupid do they think we are? More fittingly, how stupid are they? Such brainiacs should be managing a welfare check, not NATO’s arsenal.

There are no US national security interests in Ukraine. Moreover, the US challenging Russia in Ukraine, is like Russia staging troops in Mexico. The US would never allow such a thing and neither will Russia. Plus, the Russians are justifiably paranoid about invasion from the West. If NATO stops pushing ever closer to Russia, the pressure will be off, and Russia won’t have to risk its valuable youth. In fact, I understand Putin has said that if NATO signs a treaty, forbidding the use of Ukraine as a staging ground for invasion of Russia, he will pull his troops back. Obviously unacceptable, for powers planning on staging troops there to invade… ala, 1941, 1914, 1852 and 1812. Why start a world war, with the upside down demographics in the world today… to kill all the child bearing?

Drawing the US into a confrontation with Russia threatens the existence of the world itself. If anyone has forgot, Russia has enough nuclear weapons and the capability to deliver them, to destroy the world. Mutually assured destruction was and still is in effect. So, the elite are willing to risk a species wide annihilation, to further their personal feud with Vladimir Putin? Are they that childish, idiotic and stupid? Some would argue, yes, they are indeed that stupid. I wonder if those that pull the strings have a plan though. Maybe they are willing to risk blowing up the world to get Taiwan into the hands of the CCP? Perhaps they have vast underground bunkers or something to hide in while the world burns? “Who knows what evil lurks in the hearts of men, [only] the Shadow knows.”

If the US is embroiled in a war with Russia over Donbass, what will we do if China invades Taiwan, an island where 90% of the world’s semiconductors are made, and therefore vital to national security? Will the US fight a two front war with two nuclear powers? That sounds like a repeat of WWII to me. A war raging in Europe and the US drawn into a conflict in the Pacific. Who thinks the CCP will have the spine that Hirohito had in the end, and capitulate, rather than see their nation ruined? Not me. If the Communists can’t have it… no one can. Scorched earth is the communist way, they have and are willing, to do it again. This time to the whole world. There is no need for this future to occur though. Although, I find it hard to understand how our elite can be that stupid… or malevolent.

Of course, people with a track record of epic failure after disastrous blunder, would say we should get involved in Ukraine. In an episode of Hogan’s Heroes, Hogan was disarming a bomb, not knowing which wire to cut, he asked Klink. Klink pointed one out, so Hogan cut the other. Knowing Klink is always wrong… like the national security apparatus. They are the colonel Klinks of the world made Fuhrers. After the disaster in Afghanistan, brought to us by our inept, or malevolent elite, they want to embroil us in another war, a real war, with a real adversary, that will give the CCP leave to invade Taiwan. Triggering a world war… and recession, due to the stoppage of semi conductor shipments. Will we set back and let them start another war? A world ending war? What do your kids mean to you?


John Pepin

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