Mouths Can Speak Or Bite

Dear Friends,

It seems to me, God gave us our teeth and our voices, to defend ourselves. In the jungle we need to use our fangs, but in a civilized society, our voices are often sufficient. Our elites however are taking us from civilization, where our voices have bite, to a jungle, where our bite becomes our voice. Why do I say the elite are taking us from civilization to the law of the jungle? Judging by their actions. Our courts have given up on justice, our Constitution and law, becoming instruments of oppression. Our politicians have become bed wetters, and our corporations have stopped creating value, and instead create lobbyists. Soon, the last vestiges of civilization will be gone, destroyed by the people obligated to protect them. If it falls, the elite will have made it happen, then it’s all up to us to fix it.

The elite maybe stupid or malevolent but they’re certainly not wise. Roman emperors gave bread and circuses to keep the people’s mouths full. So they wouldn’t speak or bite. While empty mouths do nothing but speak and bite. Today’s elite haven’t that level of wisdom. Since nothing empties the mouths of people faster than chaos. Even as chaos obliterates the utility of their wealth as in Argentina. Where no wealthy person dares go out dressed up, driving a nice car or wearing jewelry… because they will get robbed and beaten. Under such conditions, wealth can only be enjoyed in secret. Making wealth itself dangerous. Chaos halts innovation and advancements in technology as well. Adding future losses in the standard of living to the destruction of the utility of wealth.

The courts are leading the charge away from the law of man and into the law of the jungle. Abandoning the rule of law for political favor. Where political favor decides who wins and who loses, then rational argument is used to backtrack, and cut a trail to that ruling. In the 2020 election scandal, the courts denied the people succor, by claiming voters have no standing. They used ripeness, latches and mootness to get around allowing a hearing on the merits. Because judges knew the elite had committed election fraud at scale. They went on to deny the States to air grievances with each other. A direct violation of our Constitution and creating the same problems that led to the US War Between The States. Today the US court system is engaged in the cover up of the vaccine that wasn’t.

The elite must think they have the upper hand in a fist to cuffs with the population, else they wouldn’t be picking a fight. Taking away our voices one by one. Disenfranchising us with mail in open election fraud, denying us our day in court, calling us a threat to democracy for speaking up, and importing people who despise us… are examples of leaving civilization, to go on safari. Machiavelli said, a wise prince chooses the people as allies, instead of the aristocracy (the elite) because the aristocracy are few and the people are many. Today, the aristocracy must feel pretty full of themselves… to pick a fight with billions. Then again, they’re killing 200 of us a day in the US with fentanyl, millions from Covid and the vaccine that isn’t. Their ace is, however… once nukes fly, the disparity in numbers will be rectified.

Once a fight starts talk is over, until then, we’re wise to use our voices and prepare… until the elite close that door with finality, and it’s time to use our teeth. Hope for the best but prepare for the worse. With every word censored, right removed, and election perverted, the elite move us closer to chaos. Some say the plan is to burn the world down and rebuild it as the elite would have it. A global administrative state… like Star Trek. A bold plan. One that’ll require a lot of human blood to lubricate the process. Unless the masses bite down hard. Then there’s the possibility the elite could usher in something they can’t imagine… like the Beast System and the End Times, written about by John in Revelations. If that’s the case, the elite ushering it in will wade in a lake of fire forever, for their troubles.


John Pepin

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