
Dear Friends,


The globalist elite are hell bent,

Believing they’re heaven sent,

Chaos fraud and hate,

Whatever it takes,

And it’s clear proof of ill intent.


It isn’t that the science is baseless,

But results are needed by scientists,

The pressure is on,

It’s just a little con,

The real problem is that math is racist.


The elite claim democracy is precious,

Of power though the elite are jealous,

We’ll not get ahead,

As Mark Twain said,

If voting made a difference they wouldn’t let us.


I’d like to make an observation,

A dragon’s an able phenomenon,

Breathing fire and gall,

But beware us all,

Lest we’re beset by an echinemon.


The first amendment is flipped on its head,

Government and big tech are at the hip wed,

Misinformation that,

Keep it under your hat,

And soon enough they’ll be censoring the dead.



John Pepin

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